L'oreal Miss Manga Rock Mascara Review

L'oreal Miss Manga Rock is a new mascara that promises to give you "spiked overloaded volume" with a 360 degree spiked brush. I have to admit, when I first saw the photo of the model on the display I totally lost interest in this. I thought, "why would anyone actually want spidery clumpy lashes? Isn't that what we're always trying to avoid?" I mean, it looks kinda cool and funky on her, but in real life? Nah...But being the beauty blogger that I am, my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to just go for it and see what happens.  So let's take a look...
The model on the Miss Manga Rock Display
The packaging and tube look very similar to the original Miss Manga, except the cap is yellow instead of pink. 
loreal miss manga rock review mascara

loreal miss manga rock mascara

loreal miss manga rock review mascara
The brush has these short little spikes all the way around it and has very wide gaps between the bristles. Usually, this means the brush picks up a ton of mascara because it settles in those gaps so when I see a brush like this, I know it's going to goop on a ton of product.
loreal miss manga rock review
Here's my after photo (sorry I forgot to take a before!) . I was right about it transferring a ton of product to my lashes...it pretty much saturated them with mascara and made my lashes clump together instantly.  The formula is very wet and dries pretty fast, so I had to work quickly to comb them out as much as possible. As the packaging suggested, I used the pointed tip of the brush to comb my lashes vertically to create points. I found that it did that by clumping small sections of lashes together. When I was finished, I was left with a very heavy, thick coat of mascara on my lashes, plus some volume but not a lot of length unfortunately.
But I will say, this didn't smudge...at all! I wore it all day and never saw any black under my eyes until it was time to take it off. That was pretty impressive...I was positive that this super thick layer I put on would be all over the place by lunchtime.
loreal miss manga rock review

loreal miss manga rock mascara
Wearing Miss Manga Rock on my lashes.
Overall, I wasn't crazy about this one.  I prefer a combination of length and volume with a more defined, separated finish and this definitely gives a heavy, smoky, rock n' roll sort of vibe (but that's actually the intent, so I can't fault L'oreal for that)! So really, it comes down to personal preference. If I decide to rock a heavily lined, smoky eye this would be the perfect companion...but for every day? Not for me!
I purchased mine at Harmons, but I've also seen it at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Walgreens.

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