Colourpop Super Shock Shadow Review and Swatches

I was so happy with my last Colourpop Super Shock Shadows ($5), I decided to order more! I originally ordered four matte shades and posted a review and swatches (see them here) so this time, I ordered some shimmery metallic shades (and a few mattes), while still sticking to neutral colors that I would wear. 

One of the really nice things about Colourpop (and there are many) is that they always include a handwritten note with your order.  This one was particularly cute so I had to share it.  It's a little hard to read the handwriting, but it says, "How to speak Irish: Whale, Oil, Bee, Look, Hay (say it fast)" Well I'll be lucky!  Haha.  So cute.

Last time, I posted a more in-depth review of the formula so I don't want to be redundant for those who have read my other review.  But in a nutshell, these are cream-to-powder formulas that have a bouncy, playdough like texture and they're super soft, easy to blend, and incredibly long lasting! They don't crease or fade all day...they're just amazing.
Top Row: On the Rocks, Amaze, Hustle
Bottom Row: I Heart This, To-a-T, So Quiche
I Heart This- Cool-toned silvery taupe with multi-colored glitter (metallic).
So Quiche- A soft olive with a highly reflective gold and pink violet glittery duo chrome metallic finish (metallic).
Hustle- A burgundy violet with a satin finish (satin).
Amaze- Metallic Rose Gold with Multi-Colored, Multi-Dimensional Glitter (metallic).
On the Rocks- A vibrant true bronze with gold and violet glitter.
To-a-T-  A mid-tone warm brown in a matte finish (matte).
so quiche, i heart this, hustle, amaze, on the rocks, to-a-t

Overall I'm loving the metallic shades just as much as the mattes! What are your favorite Colourpop Super Shock shadow colors? To order, please visit


  1. they look soon beautiful! are they only online or can they be found in a store as well?

    1. Hi Hillary, they're only available online right now unfortunately. :(


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