Milani Fierce Foil Eyeshine Review and Swatches

Milani Fierce Foil Eyeshine is a new product for Spring 2015 that comes in 4 different color quads. I paid $11.49 for each of them at CVS, which I thought was really expensive for a drugstore eyeshadow palette (especially since they're not that large). 
The packaging is beautiful, shiny, and gold- it's definitely eye-catching. I picked up 2 of the 4 quads, 01 Milan and 02 Rome.

These are described as "groundbreaking gloss technology formulated especially for your eyes".

 Rome 02 has beautiful shades of purple...
 ...while Milan 01 has some really pretty nudes.
They're super creamy...almost overly so.  To me, some of the shades actually felt greasy like they were made from petroleum jelly.  Some of them were also full of big, chunky glitter and the effect was definitely not something I would wear everyday.  Still, they went on really pigmented and smooth and weren't streaky.

I took some photos inside and outside and you can really see the glitter in the outdoor photos (and it wasn't even sunny today).
Milan 01 Indoor Lighting

Milan 01 Outdoor Lighting

Rome 01 Indoor Lighting

Rome 02 Outdoor Lighting
I decided to wear the Milan 01 palette today and I put it on without any other makeup (so please excuse the photos).  I don't have a before shot, so both photos below are what happened "after".

I had to run out to Walgreens with the baby and I got home about an hour later. When I looked in the mirror, I couldn't believe my eyes, literally.  After only about an hour and a half, the glitter was all over my face, down under my eyes and all over my son's head. The Eyeshine had also migrated from my eyelid to above my crease and it was creasing all over the place.  I must have looked like a freakazoid to the people at Walgreens...yikes!

Needless to say, these were a total fail for me.  I usually love Milani products but these were expensive and ended up a greasy mess. Not to mention that I have really dry skin and usually don't have a problem with makeup sliding off of my face.  So I don't think this would work on any skin type, unfortunately.  It may work better if you layer a powder eyeshadow over it, but I'm not even going to bother because they're too glittery for my purposes anyway.

Have you seen or tried these? I'm kind of disappointed because they looked really pretty in the packaging and I was hoping for something long lasting and shiny (but not glittery).


  1. My thoughts while reading this post:

    "*pretty swatches!*

    *pretty swatches!*


    I love Milanis shadow pencils and liners, but AHHHHHHH! What a bummer!

    1. Hahaha!! I know...exactly! While I was swatching them, I was like "wow!" And then I wore them on my eyes. LOL I should have known by how soft and kind of greasy they were but I was hoping...

    2. Oh yeah, their shadow pencils and liners are awesome!

  2. Woah, I had a bad feeling about these once I read on another blog about these being "eye GLOSS". That just sounds greasy to me, ewww. Why would they do this? Maybelline color tattoo's are my number 1 cream eyeshadow and they work because they're a drier formula. Boo...these looked so pretty too.

  3. Bummer!! My favorite cream eyeshadows are Flower cosmetics little pots. So smooth and creamy and they STAY PUT!! Can you return those and get your money back?

    1. Yes, thankfully CVS has a great return policy! I like those Flower ones too. :)

  4. Yikes!! And I have oily lids too. I'm staying away from these. Katherine T.

  5. Aww, I was excited for these (and I knew I shouldn't have been after those galaxy(??) gel eyeliners). I guess that's off my list.

    1. Yeah...I was excited for these too but for me they were just...yuck.


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