Becca + Jaclyn Hill Champagne Glow Sneak Peek

Earlier today I saw a sneak peek on Instagram of a brand new Becca + Jaclyn Hill collaboration called Champagne Glow, and before I could even post this photo of the outside of the palette, Becca Cosmetics posted a photo of the inside, so I have both to show you today! This will be a Sephora exclusive, and will be released on October 27, 2015 for $34. Let's take a look...
becca jaclyn hill champagne glow
Pic: @trendmood1 on Instagram
There are three shades in this palette, two of which are existing shades. The new shade is the first one on the left that looks white, and it's called Pearl. Also included are Champagne Pop in the center and Blushed Copper on the right.
becca jaclyn hill champagne glow

So far the reactions have been mixed from what I'm seeing on Instagram. Darker-skinned girls are saying they can't really use Pearl and fair skinned girls are wondering how they can use Blushed Copper (although many people say you can use it as a blush). Even more people are disappointed that they already have two of the three shades and can't justify getting this palette just for the new Pearl shade. 
As for me, personally, I already have Champagne Pop and I have so many highlighters that I already love, I don't think I'll be picking this one up. I just bought The Balm's Manizer Sisters palette and the Profusion Studio Highlight palette so I think I'm good for a while. What are your thoughts on this one? 


  1. I think Jaclyn is a liar and a horrible role model for teen girls. She has been busted in lie after lie, but she continues to ignore the evidence and erase comments calling her out. In my opinion she is a shady girl and I wouldn't spend a dime on something with her name on it.

  2. Champagne Pop looks too glittery on me and Pearl and Blushed Copper are shades that would not look alllll that great on my skin. Already have the Balm highlighters (which are amazing!), so will be giving this palette a pass.

  3. Well, that first comment is clearly someone from that pathetic "Guru Gossip" website trying to draw negative attention to Jaclyn, but anyway, this palette looks beautiful! I already have a bunch of highlighters so I might skip out on it, but I'm so proud of Jaclyn for her success and don't really understand why some people feel the need to try and bring her down. If they don't like her, why are they still SO obsessed with her? It baffles me. They still watch her videos religiously, refresh her snapchat every two seconds, and then proceed to insult her and pick her apart. If you don't like someone, ignore them :) xo

    1. To be perfectly honest with you, I read the forum. They are NOT haters. They DON'T bash Jaclyn for no reason. Most of them are long-time fans of Jaclyn and found her nothing but a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. She's the laziest Youtuber out there, doing the same smokey looks every time, while claiming she is a "professional makeup artist" when she has no certification or whatsoever. She makes excuses for everything. I was a subscriber, I LOVED her, I felt she was GENUINE (and now I do not understand anymore). I don't care if you don't believe me, WE HAVE PROOF IN GURU GOSSIP. The internet does not forget.
      Let me get to my point. This palette is a complete rip-off. Jaclyn said that Champagne Poop is a limited edition shade which forces her 12-year-old minions to buy ASAP. Recently she said that Sephora has stocks until January. What a fucking liar. If it was limited edition why tell that and WHY bother including in this palette? No one wants to become a disco ball in the winter time.
      I understand the shade selections, maybe Becca wanted to cater to everyone. But it is so worthless when most people have Champagne Poop already, and they would probably use only one of the 2 shades. I completely lost my respect on Becca as well, for collaborating with a rip off "artist." It's all for the money. That oompa loompa bitch Jac is milking the money out of all her tweens who will beg for their parents to get Champagne Glow for christmas.
      I will have to praise Jaclyn for being an amazing saleswoman! Not that hard when your "customers" will buy ANYTHING with your name on it.

    2. I know this isn't about the palette but I just have to jump in. I am not a Jaclyn fangirl at all. In fact she is one of many you tube gurus who wear waaay too much makeup and I have no interest in learning how to do my makeup like that. That being said, she clearly knows how to market herself so I can admire her business sense even if Im not a fan of the way she does makeup. There may be "proof" that she's a liar but so what? I don't know why people think it's their mission in life to "expose" people. I believe in Karma and IF she is guilty of the things you say, it'll come back to bite her at some point. If they're shady, people will find out and stop following them/buying their products.

    3. I don't know anything about Jaclyn because I don't follow her (nothing personal I'm just more of a blog reader than You Tube watcher). So I can't really comment one way or the other. However you are all entitled to your opinions! :)

  4. It is disappointing that two of these shades were already released. So really the only new shade is Pearl... and that is still part of the Becca lineup but has never been in the powdered form. Definitely going to pass on this. There are sooo many holiday palettes, I just think Becca could have really hit it out of the park!

    1.'re right it's not even 'technically' a new shade, it's just in a powder. I was also hoping for some new shades so I'm a little bit bummed.

  5. IDK, I love Becca highlighters, but I'm light/light medium with cool undertones, and I don't like white highlighters as they can look too frosty white, the middle one is probably ok, but the 3rd one looks way too warm for me, would have to be a blush. I think they should've done 1 cool tone palette and 1 warmer one. Or 1 for light skin tones or 1 for medium/dark. Or heck, why don't they just come out with a customizable one, so you can pick and choose your colors?? (Katherine T.)

    1. Yes! Customizable would have been a great idea, like the Buxom eyeshadow palettes that came out recently. Or at least 2 different ones based on skin tone like you said. It's incredibly difficult (if not impossible) to make a highlighter that suits everyone. I know Champagne Pop is supposed to fit all skin tones but I'm fair and it's too dark and warm for me.

  6. i will be passing on this i can only use one of the shades so i cant justify spending 34$ for one shade that is not even full sized

  7. I have a few thoughts about this product:

    1. Champagne Pop is too dark on my fair skin, the Copper shade is too warm for my taste in the winter; the Pearl shade looks beautiful and I want it. I won't purchase this palette just for one shade that is not full-sized.
    2. Becca is making a smart marketing move because products promoted or created by Jaclyn sell very well, regardless if you like her, she is an excellent sales person.
    3. I agree with Holly about Jaclyn - she may be a liar, but a consumer is responsible to determine whether they will purchase something by Jaclyn. That being said, it is sad if Jaclyn is a liar, because many of her followers are tween girls lacking life experience when making purchases.

    Thanks for the blog post!

    1. Thanks for commenting! :) I really want pearl as well...I've been waiting for a pressed version but I don't want/need the other two shades. I hope Becca decides to make a Pearl Pressed by itself at some point and I'll totally buy it!

  8. I do think this product is a bit of a blow for all the people who invested in Champagne Pop but I agree, instead of opting for this palette I'll stick to my highlighters from The Balm. A tiny amount goes such a long way and they have a perfect shade for everyone!

    Aarti |

    1. Exactly! I know that Becca has many fans, but I actually prefer The Balm's highlighters. They just work better for my skintone.

  9. I love Jaclyn and I was super excited about this palette till I saw it. The copper shade will never work for my skin tone, I already own Champagne Pop, and the pearl shade is similar to a MAC Mineralize Skin Finish I already have. I was really disappointed. I kinda wish I hadn't bought Champagne Pop because it's too dark for my skin, but I do like it.

    1. Same here...I can't use the copper shade and I also own Champagne Pop which is also too dark for me. I think I would like Pearl, but I'm kind of wondering if Becca may release it on it's own in the Spring or something. Then everyone who bought this whole palette just for that Pearl shade is going to be really upset! Can you imagine? I think I'll wait and see. :)

  10. I have to agree with you, this will be a skip for me. I don't think any of these will work for me. I bought champagne pop when it first came out, and it's just too orangey for me. I prefer pinkish highlighters for my skin tone and undertones.

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