City Color Shimmer Shadows Have Launched!

If you're on Instagram, you may have seen all the swatches of the brand new Shimmer Shadows that City Color Cosmetics released today. These babies look absolutely incredible and they're only $6.99 each! They come in 16 gorgeous shades and offer seriously intense color payoff with a metallic finish.

From @citycolorcosmetics on Instagram
City Color just posted short 15 second videos of these being swatched on Instagram (4 at a time) so you can see those HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE.

Watching those pretty much sealed the deal for me...I just picked up 9 shades! I'm thinking Makeup Geek Foiled dupes perhaps? :) 

So what shades are you guys drooling over? You'll have to let me know which ones you end up getting!  These are likely to sell out quickly, so I wouldn't wait too long! You can find them at


  1. Placing my order right now! Those swatch like Butta and the pigmentation looks really impressive. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Nice! I have their shimmer palette, and I love it. I'm really liking that dark burgundy shade (It's a Girl, I think).

  3. Wow, those look gorgeous! Can't wait to see your review (Katherine T.)


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