Kaplan MD Perfect Pout Lip Mask & Lip Balm Duo Review

When I was at Sephora last week, I spotted the Kaplan MD Perfect Pout Duo ($23) on the front tables where they put the new products.  I don't think this is actually a new product...it's been out for a while, but it's new to Sephora.  Since my lips are always in various states of chapped-ness, especially during the winter and I had $20 left on a Sephora gift card, I figured this would be the perfect thing to try next. Let's take a look!
This kit comes with Lip 20 Mask, Lip 20 Balm, and a spatula in a little cloth sleeve (such a good idea to keep it clean!).  The Lip 20 Mask is both and exfoliating and hydrating treatment that you leave on for 3-5 minutes, then you wipe it off with a damp cloth and apply the balm to seal in moisture.

The Lip 20 Mask is a thick cream that contains hydrating ingredients like Shea Butter and Hyaluronic Acid, and it also contains exfoliating fruit acids, such as Papaya enzymes that break down and dissolve dead, dry skin without having to scrub at them. It also contains peppermint, so it has a cooling and tingling sensation when you first apply it.  It's also supposed to plump your lips, and even claims to give the "look of professional injections at home".  I already have pretty full lips, but I did notice some plumping after use.  Unfortunately, it disappeared after about 15-20 minutes so it's not a long lasting effect, at least for me.
I mainly love this mask for the exfoliating properties! The first time I used it, my lips were in really bad shape, with dry patches everywhere, so I left it on for 10 minutes (you can even leave it on in a thin layer overnight but I haven't tried that yet). When I wiped off the mask, all the dry patches were gone and I was left with soft, smooth lips! I've tried countless scrubs and while they do take the dry skin off, they can also make my lips even more dry and irritated.  This didn't do that, which is fantastic!
The Lip 20 Balm is a medium-weight lip balm that's so smooth and not sticky at all.  It feels really soothing and hydrating! It comes in a tube with a slanted applicator, so it's not messy to use- just swipe it on and go.  It has a slight peppermint flavor that's not overwhelming at all.  I've been using it by itself during the day, as well as after the mask at night and it's really helped to keep the dryness away.

Below, I swatched the mask and balm so you can see the textures...the mask is a thick white cream while the balm is clear and glossy.
Overall, this Perfect Pout Duo has made the biggest difference in my lips...I've been using it for a week and the dry patches haven't come back! I use the mask and balm every night before bed and wake up with soft smooth lips.  I think the plumping claims are a little inflated (pardon the pun, haha), because it seems to be just a temporary effect. So if you're looking for something to create fullness, this will only give you a boost for a short time.
Personally, I think this has been more effective at getting rid of dry, chapped lips, and keeping them that way than any lip scrubs I've tried, so it's definitely worth it if you want to give this a try! It's available at Sephora for $23.

Have you seen this yet, or have you tried it?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. I bought this over the weekend and you're 100% right, there was plumping but it was gone next time i checked the mirror. HowEVER this makes me have baby soft smooth lips with no sign of that dry ring around the inside of my lip (not to be gross, but seriously). I will use this all Winter.

  2. I love it too!! What a difference in my hydration, no more cracks, and my lips definitely look naturally fuller! I've used it for a few days now and it seems to last a bit longer each time. LOVE!

    1. That's a good point, mine too! I noticed that it tends to make the outer edges of my lips more defined too. Also, the moisturizing effects last longer the more I use it. My lips haven't returned to that dry cracked state.

  3. Wow, if this works on you, it must be great! Thanks for the review (Katherine T.)


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