Freeman Mystery Bag 2014 Reveal

I just got my Freeman Mystery Bag that I was telling you guys about last week!  At the time of this posting, the Mystery Bag is still available, so I thought you might want to see what's in it in case you were on the fence about purchasing it. 
The Mystery Bag isn't a bag at all- it just comes in a regular cardboard shipping box.  It costs $30 with free shipping.

Here's what was included...

Vita-K Professional Deep Facial Lines (Full Size) $14.99
Psssst! Dry Shampoo for Wavy/Curly Hair (Full Size) $6.99
Acai Facial Purifying Clay Mask (Full Size) $3.99
Apricot Creamy Facial Scrub (Full Size) $3.99
Spa Professional Moisturizing Massage Cream (Full Size) $5.99
Bare Foot Repair Overnight Foot Cream (Full Size) $6.99
C. Booth Milk Bath and Shower Cleanser (Full Size) $6.99
Eclos Night Booster Fluid (Full Size) $19.99
Eclos Daily HydraPrimer (Full Size) $15.99
Clay Mask Mint & Lemon (Travel Size) $1.99
Pineapple Facial Enzyme Mask (Travel Size) $1.99
Star Fruit Purifying Facial Paper Mask (Travel Size) $1.99
Eclos Skin Renewal Clay Mask (Travel Size) $1.99
Pink Grapefruit Exfoliating Facial Scrub (Travel Size) $1.99
Cracked Heels Travel Size ($1.99)

Plus, they let you choose one free sample at checkout, so I got a travel size of the Overnight Foot Cream.

The total box added up to just over $97.  The Freeman website says it has a value of at least $100, so the discrepancy might be because the two Eclos skincare products weren't listed on the Freeman site, so I searched for them and pulled the prices from Target or, whichever was cheaper.  So Freeman might be counting the highest retail value for those items.

Either way, $97 worth of product for $30 is amazing and I can't wait to try everything!

So, if you like what you see and want to purchase the Mystery Bag, it's still available (as of the date of this post).

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