Secret Extensions Review

Late one night, during a bout of insomnia, I was watching TV and and saw an infomercial for Secret Extensions, with Daisy Fuentes as their celebrity spokesperson.
Normally, I don't pay attention to these things, but since having a baby, my hair has thinned out a lot, even though it's long. I contemplated chopping it into a bob, but I've had shorter hair for years and have finally grown it out. So I've been looking into extensions as a way to add some volume, not necessarily length (although I wouldn't mind a little more). I decided against having them sewn or glued in at the salon...too costly and too much maintenance for me. Then I considered clip-ins, but worried about the clips showing through my baby fine hair, plus they can be over $100.

Then I saw these. According to the commercial:
  • They're as easy as putting on a headband
  • They have a shade-match, money back guarantee.
  • They add length and volume in seconds
  • "Everyone will notice, but no one will know!"
So I ordered one in medium golden blonde...what did I have to lose? It cost $40 plus shipping. 
It showed up in my mailbox the other day and I was beyond excited to try it. 
It came in a box with some instruction cards and a coupon for money off your next purchase. 
The extension comes on a stretchy, clear headband that's a little thicker than fishing line. One downside is that it cannot be repaired if it breaks, so you'll have to order a new one. 
I thought the color was pretty darn close to mine! It comes with some nice highlights in it for a realistic look and the synthetic hair isn't too shiny like some extensions can be. It looks and feels very natural! 
Medium Golden Blonde
One thing I want to mention is that this extension is not super thick, (meaning it's not a lot of hair, not the texture). Also, you have no choice of length, they're all 16" (you can have your stylist cut it to blend into your own hair if that's too long). So if you have fine hair like I do, one extension is perfect, it adds natural volume and some length. But if your hair is thick, keep in mind that you'll have a thinner piece of hair extending down past your normal length and it might look a bit off. The good news is, you can double or triple these so you can still use them with thick hair, you'll just need more. I believe you get a second one for $29.99 so the more you order, you get a discount. 

I took before and afters on the same day, but my phone fell into the toilet (yikes!) and I lost almost all of my photos except a few after photos I had already uploaded. So I just took a before photo today in the car while my 1 year old was sleeping in his carseat. 
Before Secret Extensions

Here's after...for some reason the ends are dyed very light so it gives me a bit of an ombre look. But my highlights on top are a little lighter from the sun anyway, so it matches those pretty well. By the way, the website says you can order lighter or darker on purpose for an ombre effect.

I'm actually really impressed and happy with these! They add just enough thickness that my hair looks bac to normal, but not so big that people can tell.  They're super can barely feel them and the band disappears into your hair. It moves and feels like real hair and can be brushed, washed, and styled with a curling iron or flat iron (up to 320 degees)! I can't wait to try a wavy look next. They come with a slight curl at the bottom which actually helps to hide my terrible split ends! I also love that I have more hair to put in a ponytail or a bun and it doesn't look thin and wimpy!

I figured it'd be way too hard to describe how to use these, so here's a quick, 2 minute video that shows exactly how to put them on, so you can see what I'm talking about:

To order, please visit  What do you think?  Would you try Secret Extensions?


  1. I can't believe no one has posted! Your hair looks GREAT! I am super excited. My extensions come in the mail. As a Christmas gift to myself, I bought three in all different colors. One that matches my hair color, one that is just a tad lighter and one that is a lot lighter. I figured I would do Ombre for a day and see how I liked it. :)

    1. Aww thanks Christine! I actually lost all of my previous comments when I switched from Disqus back to was terrible! I lost over 6 mos worth of comments so that's why you don't see any here. I hope you like them! I have a chin length bob now and was missing my long hair so I tried these but they didn't blend well with my shorter hair. So I'll have to wait till my hair's a little longer before I can use them again. They're great for adding volume to my thin hair, and they're SO much easier than clip ins!

  2. wow-as a person with a lot of hair (dull and lifeless but a lot) you look awesome-I can always tell on tv when someone has extensions bc the hair curls in a weird way but you look great and the hair looks natural!

  3. Thank you for the reviews! I'm looking for extensions to beef up my wimpy hair for braids, which would you recommend, these or the wavy ones you reviewed a couple days ago?

    1. Hey Jilly! These are super comfortable and easy so if you already have longer hair and are looking to add volume these are awesome! The wavy ones feel a little heavier on my head and since they clip into your natural hair it might be more difficult to make braids. The Secret Extensions don't feel like you're wearing anything and leave your hair free to create any style...braids, ponytails etc.


I love getting comments from you and hearing about your experiences with the products, whether you agree with me or not. It's the best way other readers can get the best information before they buy, so keep the comments coming! :)

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