L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara Review

L'Oreal Miss Manga Mascara is a new product that was just released for Spring/Summer 2014. A few weeks ago, I posted some pictures of the store display to my Facebook page and I've been using it now for a little while. Miss Manga promises to give up to 15x lash volume and a wide awake Manga look plus it features a flexible cone shaped brush to help get all those hard to reach lashes.  Does it live up to its claims? Let's take a look!

I love the packaging on this one...I'm a sucker for anything that's hot pink and shiny.

Here's the wand- it's cone shaped with jagged bristles that aren't all the same length.  Some appear to be shorter while others are longer. Do you see that point below the brush where the wand indents?  That's the flexible part.  At first I thought that it was too bendy and wobbly and that I'd have trouble keeping it straight to comb it through my lashes, but I actually liked that aspect of it.  I found that I didn't have to contort my hand as much trying to get at my lashes from all sides.  The one downside to the cone shaped brush is that while I'm using the narrow end to get into the corner, the wider end is leaving mascara on my eyelid.
Here are my before and afters.  I thought this gave me not only amazing volume but length too, which the packaging doesn't really talk about. Also, I love that it curled my lashes up, without using an eyelash curler (hate those things!), so it really does give that wide eyed Manga look.  I didn't have any problems with smudging throughout the day and into the night except for a few flakes after about 8 hours or so.

So here's a quick summary of the claims:

15x volume- Check.  At least 15x, I would say! Plus length.
Wide Eyed Manga Look- Yup- nice curl!
Flexible Cone Shaped Brush helps get hard to reach lashes- Yes, but not without reaching the eyelids too.
Clump-free, Smudge-Free, Flake-Free- Not exactly (there were some clumping issues I had to comb out, Yes (I didn't have any smudging), and Mostly Yes (flakes were minimal).  

Overall, this mascara is awesome. I got it at Bed Bath and Beyond for $5.99.


  1. this looks awesome! :)
    hope we have it here in the Philippines.


  2. Hated this brush! Worst product by LOreal!


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