The Budget Beauty Blog is Changing to Beauddiction

Hey Guys!

I just wanted to take a few minutes to talk about a big change coming to my blog...I'm changing the name! I know, it's a huge risky step but it feels right.

Why I needed a change: 

When I started this blog in 2009, I had a very narrow focus on drugstore makeup only so the name "Budget Beauty" made sense. Over the years, I've heard a lot of feedback from you guys and the overwhelming majority wanted to see a broader spectrum of makeup reviews that included more mid-range brands (not necessarily high-end like Dior or Charlotte Tilbury...more like Tarte, Too Faced, and Lorac) in addition to my drugstore reviews.

Many of you understood that the word "budget" didn't necessarily mean I should only talk about drugstore products. A lot of people on a budget will still splurge on a more expensive product if they feel that it's worth the money.

Unfortunately, there were quite a few who didn't agree and as a result, I've been spending a lot of time trying to explain myself lately...especially as my blog and social media accounts continue to grow. Whenever I post about a non-drugstore brand, I would get a lot of comments and emails saying things like:

"It's kind of hypocritical to post about a $40 palette when you're supposed to be a "budget" blog" 

"You need to stay in your lane" 

"Why are you posting about this when your readers can't afford it?" 

"A lot of people aren't following you anymore because you talk about higher-end products now"

I realize that I can't please everyone and I should ignore the negativity, but the reason it bothered me so much is because their words somewhat echoed what I had been feeling for some time now. I did sort of feel like a hypocrite when I posted about something more expensive. I worried that I would lose followers because of it, even though I've had steady growth and so many people were begging me to post a wider range of reviews. I felt really torn and it gave me quite a few sleepless nights...especially since I've worked so hard to get where I am.

I guess it all comes down to this...when I started the blog, the name fit, and it was awesome! But now it really doesn't. I tried to "make it work" by saying that I was a blog for "all budgets" but that wasn't really too successful and created some confusion since different people interpret the name "budget" to mean different things.

Choosing a New Name:

I talked to my husband about it and he suggested changing the name to something a bit more universal. Something that would stand the test of time and would fit with anything beauty-related I wanted to talk about. I struggled with the decision for many months because I've been The Budget Beauty Blog for the last 8 years...that's a long time! It's become my online identity and it's how people know me. But I decided that if I was going to make a change I should do it soon because my blog keeps growing and it's only going to get harder the more readers I have.

I've been trying to think of a name since the fall, but nothing was coming to me. I wanted it to be simple, easy to remember (preferably one word), and to describe my blog content in a broad sense. I thought of so many names but they were all taken...that was the most frustrating part. One of my favorites was "BeautyFix" but the web address and social media accounts are owned by other people.

I kept telling my husband Eric..."so many people have told me that they visit my blog and Instagram to get their 'daily beauty fix' and that's what I want to convey but the name (and similar names) are all taken". That's when he reminded me of the name he's been using for a while now to describe my little habit of collecting beauty products...Beauddiction. We'll be sitting on the couch at night while I browse the Ulta website for new products and he'll lean over and playfully say, "ughare you feeding your Beauddiction again?". Or when we go to the mall and I have to make stops at Sephora, Ulta, and CVS, he'll groan, "come on, your Beauddiction is taking over our shopping trip". 

It's been our little inside joke for the past year or so, and as soon as he reminded me of that it was a lightbulb moment! Duh, why didn't I think of Beauddiction!?

One of the reasons I started this blog in the first place was because no one in my personal life really understood my beauty addiction (Beauddiction, haha). I wanted to share my beauty finds with like-minded beauty junkies like myself and I have definitely found an amazing community that loves beauty just as much as I do. The name just makes sense because it encompases all types of beauty products at all price points...and it pays homage to the reason I started my blog all those years ago.

Going Forward:

I've already switched over some of my social media accounts to Beauddiction (if you're already following me, you still are...nothing has changed except the name). In the next few days, I'll be changing the name and web address of the blog too (the old will redirect to the new one so you'll still end up here if you type in the old name by accident).

Also, I'm keeping the Budget Beauty Blog name (because I love it) and who knows? When my son starts school and I have a lot more time, maybe I'll start two completely drugstore focused and one on higher-end beauty.

But for now, I want to assure you that nothing else is changing...just the name. My content will remain exactly the same- a healthy mix of drugstore and mid-range beauty product news and reviews. I'm really just changing the name to match what I've already been posting for some time now.

I hope you love the new name as much as I do and will continue to support me here and on social media. I love you guys! XOXO


  1. OMG I LOVE the name, your husband is a genius, LOL. I'm going to start using that to describe my beauty addiction from now on. HA! Seriously though, I will always follow you no matter what the name is. You are one of the nicest bloggers out there and I love your reviews.

    1. Aw thank you so much! And YES! That would be pretty cool if the word caught on and other people started using it too:)

  2. I cannot believe believe that people have nothing better to do that give you grief about the original name of your blog; talk about narrow-minded, way too literal, and petty. In any case, I love your blog, Jen, and I'll continue to follow it no matter what you call it! -- Christina D.

    1. Thanks so much Christina! :) I sucks and at the end of the day I just got really tired of having to explain why my content and blog name didn't line up. But if it were just about the complaints I wouldn't have bothered changing the name. I have also been wanting a change so I guess you could say they just gave me the push to actually do it!

  3. I like how the name is an inside, husband-and-wife joke lol. As far as the negativity? I'm not trying to be snippy or mean here-but sometimes your life is such that you just can't afford everything you see. I've been there, I didn't buy a mid-end anything until the last year or so (and I'm 43 years old!) and even still a lot of that is Ulta points, gift cards, and finding things in places like T.J. Maxx. It doesn't really help anybody to take your feelings out on others.
    Like I said-not trying to be mean, just trying to be realistic.

    1. Right?! I totally get what you're saying! I'm not pushing anybody to buy anything that they can't afford...that's not the purpose of my blog at all. I'm just a beauty junkie at heart and I like to talk about everything that interests me personally. Sometimes it's drugstore products and sometimes it's more expensive items. I like to just put it all out there and let people decide what they want to buy based on my experience with a product. I guess I just didn't want to feel restricted by the 'budget' name. :)

  4. I would have done the same thing. It's one thing to say "ignore what people think" which is hard enough to do in your own small circle of friends and family. But I can imagine how much harder it would be if you're in the public eye and have constant criticism coming at you. I don't think I could be a blogger or you tuber for that reason. I give you a lot of credit and think the new name is great! Very clever and unique too.

    1. Aw thanks Lisa! I appreciate your support! :) It's true...I've never been really thick-skinned but I'm learning to be, little by little. I understand that not everyone will like my blog and that's totally ok! But it still hurts when you're putting your all into something and people don't understand it or want to tear it down. I'm hoping that the name change clears up any confusion and I can get back to doing what I love which is talk about beauty products. :)

  5. Congrats! I love the new name and agree that it is more fitting. You haven't really been a budget blog for a while and I'm completely OK with that, not a criticism at all. I agree with the above poster that you are one of the nicest bloggers out there. You always respond to comments and are so helpful. I remember emailing you once for help with a beauty question and couldn't believe you wrote back! No other blogger has ever taken the time to do that and I think it says a lot about your character. Cheers!

    1. Hi Jasmine, thank you so much for saying makes my day! :) The least I can do is respond to emails from readers because you guys are the reason I'm here and that the blog is growing! I wouldn't be here without your support and I always want to appreciate and remember that.

  6. The content is what matters, not the name. You can have the best name in the world but it doesn't matter if your content is not good. You can call your blog whatever you want, I will be reading it because it has good quality content.

    1. Aw thank you so much! :) I'm so happy you love my content and I promise that won't change no matter what the name of my blog is.

  7. I've been thinking about changing my name too, but like you, everything I think of is taken. I've been thinking about it for weeks. Lol! I like your choice! Unique and appropriate! I started in the beauty community for the same exact reason!

    1. Thank you so much! :) I know the struggle...I would stay up nights trying to think of something and then when I had these great ideas they were taken. The most frustrating part was when the person who had the name hadn't updated their blog since 2011 or something like that. So they're holding the name hostage but aren't doing anything with it. Grrr!

    2. Exactly!!! Or they've posted literally 9 pictures on instagram! Ugh! I thought of four really good ideas last night and all were being held hostage 😂

  8. I've also been thinking of changing my blog name but to what?? haha so rather ended up leaving it as is..

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

    1. Exactly, it's so hard to think of something. I went back and forth so many times! :)

  9. Love the new name and logo! It is universal and all encompassing! Although I do think that a name is just a name, and no matter what you write about the name doesn't matter.

  10. I can see why it's not nice to always have to explain yourself for "straying" (which I personally think is fine by the way!). I like the new name, it sticks!

    1. Aw thanks I'm so glad you like it! :) It was getting pretty exhausting always having to explain my interpretation of the word "budget". After talking it over with friends and family they helped me to see that if you have to explain your business name over and over again it's probably not the right fit. :)

  11. This is the blog I must read daily, and I have been here since the beginning, i am not going anywhere!! If you called it "garden hose eyeshadow", i'd still follow! Thank you so much for everything you share, you are my favorite and I love to see a mix of low and high end- it's like the "Ulta" of beauty blogs!!!

    1. OMG Yes! The Ulta of beauty blogs--that's exactly it!

  12. I LOVE the new name- it is perfect!!

  13. Congratulations on your growing blog! I love reading about drugstore beauty and high end beauty. Your blog is the best of both worlds and I love reading your thoughts on products.

  14. I love the new name! It's cute and PERFECTLY sums up the beauty product enthusiasm you share with your readers. I never knew there was such a fitting term for the way I like to spend my downtime (visiting blogs like yours, watching make up tutorials on YouTube, etc.) but 'beauddition' hits the nail on the head--or, maybe I should say hits the cap on the lipstick? :) Anyway, your blog is a daily stop for me and I always enjoy your posts. I'm sorry that you've had so many undeserved negative comments. I don't understand why someone wouldn't just stop visiting your site if they had an issue with your content instead of taking the time to be critical and hurtful. The Internet sure can make it easy for people to be mean but on the other hand, it makes it easy to be supportive and positive, too, and with that, I say thanks for all that you to do share about these beauty products with us. Can't wait to see what you have in store for 2017!

  15. Hi there! Never had a problem with the name... totally supported you before and totally support you now. Your blog is a daily read for me. Just wanted to let you know that currently, gives a 404 error that the requested URL is not found. It actually corrects the URL in the address bar to, but it still delivers that error. A quick Google search and a click on the link for the same URL brings me right to the blog, though. I know these things can sometimes be browser-specific. I'm currently in Chrome incognito mode, for what it's worth. I know your goal will be to have it working across all platforms, so I wanted to share some feedback. Best of luck! Keep up the awesome work!

  16. I love the new name. I had to laugh when you commented about browsing the Ulta website. I work a stressful job and whenever I have time during the day, I am browsing Ulta and Sephora for stress relief. I am sorry though that the comments that have made about your product choices. What might be budget to one person might not be to another. But one of my biggest pet peeves are women who go on to review and complain about prices. It is not your fault or the company's fault that they can't afford a product. There are things that I would love to have that I can't afford but I don't blame society, bloggers or the company for my financial issues. People need to grow up and stop acting like fools.

  17. I love it! Things change and people change. I use to only buy drugstore brands until I had a taste of Too Faced. After that everything went down hill for me. Lol. About a year later I have a a pretty big collection of non-drugstore makeup. The crazy thing is I have almost no drugstore makeup now. I use to think $45 for an eyeshadow palette was crazy. I still think it's crazy but, I find ways to always save money even on my prestige makeup. Anyway the point is I love your Ig page and your blog. You're doing great!

  18. I buy mostly affordable items because I am an underpaid public school teacher lol. But as an Ulta platinum member, I will occasionally splurge on higher end items. That makes me appreciate your blog even more, because I know I can trust your reviews. I won't waste my money on things you review as duds and I'll be more willing to consider buying things that get a favorable review.

  19. Good luck with the transition. I'll definitely look up your new blog. I found your blog maybe 3-4 months ago. I really like your blog but it didn't seem that fitting have the name budget beauty blog. Didn't bother me enough to say anything though , because after all its just a name. You put out great content. I don't understand why some people find the need to be nasty.

  20. I noticed the name change on your instagram awhile ago but only today saw the reason why. I did sometimes wonder why it was called a budget blog, but it really didn't matter to me because I just looked for reviews on things I wanted and not things I didn't want. I have a hard, manual labor job that pays well so I can usually treat myself to something nice and thus I enjoyed seeing the higher end reviews. I also like the drug store reviews because I kind of like trying everything. You are the reason I got the Lovatics NYC palette and I just love it as much as any UD palette. I'm sorry people had mean things to say to you, that's just silly. I love your site, and from what I can read off your persona, you seem like a very genuine person which is why I keep coming back. No matter what your name is, I'll be back! And the mature folks will be back, too.


  21. HI Vanessa,
    I think what you are doing is courageous, but you need to get help before your migrate completely so you don't lose your rankings. I did this myself, and changed everything so basically started again. My ranking and traffic are moving up slowly but it was the best thing in the long run, if you want a more broad approach. Having a top level category called budget beauty is the ticket, maybe with redirects from your old site. Warm regards, Di from


I love getting comments from you and hearing about your experiences with the products, whether you agree with me or not. It's the best way other readers can get the best information before they buy, so keep the comments coming! :)

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