Swatches of the New NYX Liquid Suede Lipstick Shades

nyx liquid suede new shades swatches
NYX has been teasing us for a while now about the 12 new shades of Liquid Suede Lipstick they'll be releasing soon and today, they finally posted swatches on their Instagram account. Looks like the shades are similar to the new Maybelline Loaded Bolds lipsticks that just launched at Target...there's a bright orange, a few different shades of blue, black, bright purple, etc.

They're not available for sale just yet but NYX has a splash page on their site where you can go to check out the new shades and enter your email to be notified the moment they launch. I have a feeling they'll sell out pretty quickly, given the hype about these!

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  1. Loving the funky colors!

    1. They really seem to be "in" this season! So many brands are doing this. :)

  2. I need some of these shades! I have soft spoken and I love it so much.

    Coleoftheball xx

    1. I still haven't tried this formula. My dry lips don't get along with matte formulas...I wish they did! :)

    2. You should give these a try! The formula is super creamy and not really like a matte at all. I have dry lips too and was pleasantly surprised.

  3. Ulta has them up on their website already. Received the email today and went ahead and made an order!


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