A CoverGirl TruBlend Contour Palette is Headed Our Way

Shade pictured: Dark

CoverGirl is launching a  TruBlend Contour Palette ($9.99 at drugstores June 2nd) just as the queen of the contouring craze Kim Kardashian announces that she's officially over contouring. Oh well, better late than never I guess? These new kits come in three shade ranges...Light, Medium & Dark and contain three blendable creams. 

I'm personally glad the contouring trend is on it's way out since I never really got on board. I love using highlighter by itself and have found that at my age, it's more youthful looking. I'm happy to see more natural makeup looks starting to catch on and become trendy again. 

What about you? Are you excited about the new CoverGirl TruBlend contouring kit or are you done with the whole contour craze? 


  1. Meh, I'm right with you on the whole contouring thing. I was never big into it to begin with and honestly cannot wait to see it end!

    1. Haha if Kim K says it's over, it's OVER! :)

  2. Is it wrong that I took one look at that and wondered if it would be any good as a cream eye-shadow?


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