New Almay Smart Shade Blushes & Bronzers

Hi Budget Beauties, I hope you're all having a great weekend! I just wanted to share my latest Rite Aid find with you...I ran in there this afternoon to grab a gallon of milk and couldn't resist a quick stroll through the beauty aisles. :) I wasn't expecting to find anything, but I came across the new Almay Smart Shade blushes and Bronzers that my pal G. over at Nouveau Cheap posted about a couple of months ago. 

They've really stepped it up from those compacts with the little dots, don't ya think? Their recent advertising with Carrie Underwood is portraying them as an "All-American" brand so I think the stars and stripes theme is really fitting and totally classy. Love it!

I picked up the shade Pink, but they also come in Nude/Mauve and Coral, plus there's one shade of bronzer as well (you can see them on the Almay website here). Here's what the pink shade looks like feels very soft and was nicely pigmented. I swirled my finger around a few times and this is what one swipe looks's a pretty, cool-toned Barbie pink. 
I'll have to play around with this and see how it blends out on my cheeks and get a feel for how long-lasting it is, but I'll definitely let you know how it works out in a later post. If I like it, I'll pick up the other shades to swatch too. 

Have you seen these out and about yet? What do you think of the new packaging?


  1. Wow I never would have thought this was Almay. I saw it on your Instagram account and did a double take. Its really pretty and I love the color in the swatch too. I'll be on the hunt for these now!

  2. Woah way to go Almay! I always forget about this brand because, and I'm being brutally honest here, they usually bore me to tears. But this I would actually buy. It's cute!!!

  3. That Barbie pink is exactly what I need on my skin tone. I hope to find it this week since it's 40% off right now at Rite Aid!

  4. Oh pretty! I need to find these! I haven't bought an Almay product in a long time but I'm happy to try something new and this color is perfect for spring.

  5. Looks great! How cute are the stars pressed into the powder?!

  6. I found the pink color at Rite Aid and love it. The color can be altered depending on how you brush across the pan and it lasts all day on me! Big win....I'm going back for the nude shade.


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