Wet n Wild Ombre Blush Review & Swatches

I've been looking for the Wet n Wild Ombre Blushes ($4.99) ever since I heard about them launching at Target recently. But the local Target in my small town is always behind when it comes to putting out new merchandise, so I haven't had much luck. This past weekend, we headed down near NYC for some shopping and ended up at a store that was right near a Target. I ducked in quickly to see if they had the blushes and they did! So I wanted to get a review/first impressions post up quickly because I know a lot of you have told me that you're really interested in these. So let's take a look...
Wet n Wild Ombre Blush Review
Packaging-wise, these are really pretty...Wet n Wild has redesigned their products to have a more modern feel and I really like the simplicity of the sleek black compacts. I also like being able to see the shades right through the top, it makes it easy to grab the product I'm looking for out of my makeup drawer.
Wet n Wild Ombre Blush Review

The Ombre Blushes have cute party/drink-themed names like The Princess Daiquiries, Mai Tai Buy You a Drink, and In a Purple Haze and have a gradient effect with shades that are light and highlighter-esque on top and deepen as you reach the bottom of the compact. All the shades are a bit on the pastel side, which makes me think of the new Pantone Colors of the Year that are baby pink and purply-blue. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but pastels definitely seem to be popping up a lot this year.
Wet n Wild Ombre Blush Review
The Princess Daiquiries is a peachy pink shade.
Wet n Wild Ombre Blush princess daiquiries
The Princess Daiquiries
Mai Tai Buy You a Drink is a bronzy nude peach shade.
Wet n Wild Ombre Blush mai tai buy you a drink
Mai Tai Buy You a Drink? 
In a Purple Haze is a bluish-purple shade.
Wet n Wild Ombre Blush in a purple haze
In a Purple Haze
Formula-wise, I wasn't all that impressed by these, sadly. I love Wet n Wild's regular blushes, and these had the same soft feel, but they went on powdery with a lot of fallout and not much pigmentation. You can see in the swatches below that they barely showed up on my very pale skin, so anyone with darker skin than mine will have an even harder time with these.
Also, they looked shimmery in the pan but it was just an overspray and the finish looked more matte and a bit chalky on my skin.
Wet n Wild Ombre Blush swatches

Overall, I'm sad that these were a bit of a flop for me because they looked so pretty! I'll definitely have to check out the NYX Ombre Blushes and see if those work out better for me. Also, if you're looking for a great ombre blush, Hard Candy makes a great one, available here

If you'd like to try the new Wet n Wild Ombre Blushes they are available now at Target.


  1. I've tried the Nyx Ombre Blushes and they are quite pigmented! I had such high hopes for these but being so inexpensive I'll probably still check them out


  2. Alrighty then, NYX it is!! I have a bag on my Ulta app just waiting for me to pull the trigger-with *4* of their ombré blushes in it lol

  3. I hated these! I'm African American and these just looked chalky, no color. I returned them to target the next day.

  4. Dang, these looked so pretty in the pan. Please please please can you do a review on the new wet n wild brushes and how they compare to popular affordable ones like real techniques?

    1. I picked up a couple and I LOVE them. I like them better than some of the ELF brushes I own. For $2.99 or $.99, they are absolutely worth it!

  5. This bums me out but I can tell by your swatches that these will probably not show up on me. Thanks for saving me the $$$. I love your blog!

  6. I saw these at Walgreens, was tempted because they remind me of the MAC ombre ones that came out last year, glad I didn't buy, another reviewer had same issues as you. Hope the NYX ones are better (Katherine T.)

  7. I bought the Princess Daquiries yesterday. I knew when I saw them that they are not going to be pigmented enough for me and I am quite fair. But they are so pretty I was determined to have one. Sure enough this morning I ended up using it as a highlighter of sorts. I agree with how powdery and messy they are. I saw the little bit a sparkle and that made me want to keep it. Now I am reading that it is only overspray. Drat! I don't think I will be returning it as I don't have that kind of time day to day.

  8. These did not appeal to me, I guess I don't get the whole ombre thing and how that would work well with blush. You can always just use a lighter hand on the area you want a lighter coverage. I'm moving away from " Made in China" makeup too. Too many iffy ingredients.

  9. How disappointing. I'll be checking out the Nyx ones instead.

  10. These look gorgeous, it's a shame they were disappointing. Sadly it's near enough impossible for me to try any Wet n Wild products and NYX is a little difficult too as the availability isn't great in the UK but if I spot the NYX Ombre Blushes I'll definitely be trying those!

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  11. Thank you so much for posting an honest review. I've seen so much hype over these that I picked them last week. I was also extremely disappointed. I was even looking for a barely there pale color, but Princess Dacqueri literally didn't show up and Purple Haze gave me a slightly purple cast that made me think of dead bodies (in the movies of course, never seen one in life). Anyway, I've been looking for professional reviews to see what others say and I really respect that you were so truthful about this. Thank you.

  12. i bought mai tai buy you a drink and although i have a medium complexion and was hoping it would be sort of like a blush, it also look very promising as a highlighter!!


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