Maybelline Color Tattoo Concentrated Crayons Spotted at Walgreens

I was so happy to find the new Maybelline Color Tattoo Concentrated Crayons ($6.99) at Walgreens tonight! After seeing most of the new Spring 2016 collection at CVS, I've been looking everywhere for these. I found them way up high on a shelf, so I'm sorry that this photo isn't the best. I literally had to put my phone on a 3 second timer and then hold it up as high as my arms would reach, haha! 
maybelline color tattoo concentrated crayons

So I grabbed all ten shades and took some close-ups so the colors are easier to see. They all appear to be shimmery mattes. Hopefully they add some in the future but for now, I'm just happy to have my favorite cream eyeshadows in stick form. I love the original Color Tattoos but these seem a lot less messy!
Maybelline Color Tattoo Concentrated Crayons

Maybelline Color Tattoo Concentrated Crayons

Have you seen these in your area yet? I hope to have swatches for you guys soon! 


  1. Okay I think I will take one of each. How to decide?!? I can't drop $70 on all ten so I need some help- which ones are you getting? BTW are your flats Chanel? They look like it from here.

    1. Yes, they are! I found them in a consignment shop brand new! Good eye. :) I ended up getting all the shades in the top photo where I'm holding them except for the gold one. In the bottom photo, I got the bronze shade, second to the left. Those were my faves, but I'll probably go back and get the rest to swatch.

  2. I spotted this display at my walgreens, on the top shelf. (Christmas sets are occupying the regular new display area) I reached up and pulled it down, myself! I bought four but I really want a few more shades. My hand swatches amazed me! Excellent pigmentation, smooth as silk and the colors are so gorgeous!

    1. I used to pull them down all the time until an employee yelled at me, hahaha! Now they've posted big signs that say, "Please ask for assistance". HA! Thanks for the feedback on the formula so far...I can't wait to try them! :)

    2. I pulled down the display too!! I was on lunch hour and had no time to hunt someone down to help me! Good thing I'm a little tall with long arms!!! :)

  3. I am going back today (spotted them up high last night) to grab a couple. I hope I can find someone to help!!! Anyway I don't use the ones I have a pot too much often so I want these. I thought they would be easier. I can't figure a brush that is just right for creams shadows in a pot. So I use my fingers and product gets under my nails (hate that). I think these will be a good fit for me.

    1. Same here but as Rachel said below one is already loose in the stick, which usually only happens to pencils I haven't used in a long time. Hmmm. Was hoping for some mattes, I'm already overloaded with shimmery shades. Curious to see how they swatch!

    2. I agree, Robin...a crayon format will be way easier and less messy! Steffy that concerns me too. I wonder what happened with that one and if it'll eventually happen to them all! I also wish they would have released some mattes...maybe the next collection will have some.

    3. I picked up Barely Beige and Bronze Truffle. They are pretty shimmery according to my swatch on my hand. 3 handwashes later its still there! LOL. Anyway I was hoping for a crayon of Barely Branded but so far nothing. I hope some mattes come along too!

  4. Uh oh. The pink one looks like it loosened from the container. Not a good sign.

  5. The color tattoos in the jar always dried up quickly so I'm excited to try these. Hopefully they will be a little easier to blend too!

  6. This is exciting, but I will be more excited when there are matte shades :P


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