New! City Color Cosmetics Lip Crayons

City Color Cosmetics has just released some new Lip Crayons ($6.99 each) that claim to be moisturizing with a satin finish. I'm a total lip crayon hoarder so it makes sense that I'm lusting after these...especially the third shade from the left, Bridesmaid (they all have wedding-themed names...cute right?). 
But honestly, all of these shades are pretty wearable, nothing too crazy here at all. 
Flower Girl, Save the Date, Bridesmaid, Blushing Bride, I Do, Kiss The Bride
Fellow blogger Lien Jae posted some swatches on her Instagram page that I wanted to share with you guys! I need's the perfect mauve pink! Blushing Bride and I Do are calling my name too! What do you guys think? What are your favorites? Grab 'em now at
Photo Credit: @lienjae on Instagram

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