Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup Review & Swatches

Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup ($9.97 exclusively at Walmart) is a lightweight spray foundation that gives a sheer, natural finish. 
Years ago, I was borderline obsessed with the Sally Hansen Airbrush Makeup by What Not To Wear makeup artist Carmindy (love that show) and couldn't believe that it had been discontinued. Fast forward a few years and it's BACK...well sort of. It's not under Carmindy's name anymore and it's sold exclusively at Walmart, rather than CVS.  Needless to say, I bought one immediately with the hope that this is Carmindy's version repackaged. 
Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup Review & Swatches

Airbrush Face Makeup comes in 6 shades, and as I do with most foundations I chose the second to lightest shade, Natural Beige. When I got home and tried it, I was questioning my shade choice because I looked the perfect shade of oompa loompa orange. Now maybe it's a bit exaggerated on me because I have cool-toned skin (anything that's not cool and pink looks orange on me), but it was also really dark and not what I was expecting from the second to lightest shade. I have a "tan" right now so I'm closer to medium than light and it was still too dark. So if you plan to buy this, definitely prepare to go at least a shade down from what you would normally get. I'm guessing that the lightest shade is probably good for "light" skintones like mine but that means there's no shade for fairer skin.

Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup Review & Swatches

Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup Review & Swatches

One of my biggest gripes about this product is that even though it's an "airbrush" mist foundation, you're not supposed to spray it directly on your face, per the instructions and I totally understand why. It doesn't come out like a light mist, it's a really strong stream that puts a lot of product into a very small area. So how do you use this? Sally Hansen recommends spraying it directly into your hand, then applying it with your fingertips (or a brush, Beauty Blender, etc). I can't remember if the Carmindy one was the same way or if you could spray that directly on your face (if you remember, please leave a comment below and let me know!).

I've owned Dior's Airflash in the past and currently have Sephora Collection Perfection Mist Airbrush Foundation and both are meant to be sprayed directly on your face (which is kinda the point of an airbrush foundation, yes?). I find that both of those spray an even, fine mist that makes it easy to apply...unfortunately, I can't see that with the Sally Hansen version. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I believe the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs is the same way...I remember using it in the past and the can says to spray it into your hand first.

Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup Review & Swatches

So here's what it looks like when you first spray it. As you can see, it's concentrated into a small area because it came out very fast before I had the chance to move the can back and forth.
Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup Swatches
Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup in Natural Beige

Coverage-wise, this is very, very sheer. It gives a barely-there hint of tint, similar to the level of a tinted moisturizer. I wish it covered a little more, since I actually really love the finish on this! It dries to a beautiful satin finish that looks like skin and is pretty much undetectable. I suppose you can build it up a bit...maybe to medium but if you're looking for any more than that, you may not like this one.
Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup Swatches
Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup in Natural Beige

Overall, while I really love the finish of this foundation and it could be a great option for days when I don't want a lot of coverage, I feel like the shades are pretty limited, it doesn't give that much coverage, and it's just messy to use. I was hoping for a way to just mist, blend and go, but the whole process of spraying it into my hand and then applying it to my face isn't too appealing. I know that I do the same thing with other foundations (pump them into my hand first) but the difference here is when you spray this one, it kind of splatters a little and I worry about getting it on my clothing. It's also hard to control how much comes out of the nozzle. 

Well, I was essentially looking for a less expensive alternative to my Sephora Perfection Mist Airbrush, but I think I'll just stick to that one for now. Have you tried the new Sally Hansen Airbrush Face Makeup? What do you think? 

You can purchase it at Walmart stores and


  1. I was waiting to see what the reviews on this were. I was a bit confused about the whole "airbrush" thing by the directions too. I don't know if you watch/follow Mannymua733, but he has a video on his foundation routine and uses the Dior on top of his foundation and with a brush. I am assuming you could possibly use this the same way? Go check out his video so you can see what I mean but he basically said he uses it on top so that his skin looks more like skin. Just to give it a nice finish type of thing. I was so hoping this would be better. Thanks for the review though. : )

    1. Hey Lexie! That's true, you probably could use this the same way because it has that really nice finish that looks more natural. Plus the foundation underneath would give more coverage. I'm a little bummed that it's not a quick and easy type of thing I guess, haha. I'm always looking for the simplest solution possible! :)

  2. I almost skipped this! Because it's not an airbrush foundation! That's dumb to market it as such! I hate that! BUT ... your description of the finish is awesome. I must try! (I'm not a fan of a lot of coverage. I want au naturele without being au naturele! Lol). Thanks! 😊

    1. Haha no problem! :) The finish is what I remember loving about the Carmindy one, even if it was hard to use, haha!

  3. I seem to remember Carmindy spraying onto a sponge then stippling it on the face. I feel like most Dior airflash users do the same thing with a sponge or brush, so I like the idea of possibly using it over fuller coverage foundation! For special days though because I'm like you and want easier for everyday!

    1. Exactly, haha! I love the spray and go option of the other ones but for special occasions I don't mind a few extra steps. I do remember Carmindy using a sponge and it's so funny because I see a lot of makeup artists do that but then you hear lots of people saying not to use them because it wastes product. I never know if I should use them or not, LOL!


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