Stila Aqua Glow Watercolor Blush Review and Swatches

Stila Aqua Glow Watercolor Blush ($26 at Sephora) is a new release for Summer 2015 and when I saw these in store last week, I just had to pick one up...they're so cute, not to mention different than any other blushes I own. Let's take a look...
Stila Aqua Glow Watercolor Blush Review and Swatches

Stila Aqua Glow is described as an "oil free, lightweight, water-based blush in an exclusive netted pot delivery system."  So it's not a cream blush, it actually feels just slightly thicker than water! The liquid is supposed to be underneath a layer of mesh but my pot is so full that it's actually over the mesh screen right now.  Theoretically, you're supposed to push your finger into the screen to pick up just enough blush for your cheeks, but for now I just dip my finger very lightly into the pool that's sitting on top to pick it up.
The water-like nature of this blush makes it so easy to just glides across the skin and doesn't dry too quickly like a cheek stain does (such as Benefit's Benetint or The Balm's Stainiac). I had plenty of time to blend this in and get it just right. It even feels a bit refreshing and cooling going on.
Stila Aqua Glow Watercolor Blush Rosewater

Aqua Glow comes in five shades, and I fell in love with this peachy pink shade called Rosewater. It's just stunning! Some of the other shades looked very dark and bright in the pot, which is why I shied away from them, but now I'm starting to think I should have grabbed one of those instead. This shade, while gorgeous, practically disappears once I blend it into my skin (and I'm really pale).  Here's what it looks like when I first swipe it:
Stila Aqua Glow Watercolor Blush Swatches Rosewater

This is what it looks like when I blend it out...actually I tapped it into my skin with my fingers to try not to lose too much of the color but that didn't work too well either. It's such a pretty color, I just wish it was a little more pigmented.
Stila Aqua Glow Watercolor Blush Swatches Rosewater

I wanted to show a photo of me wearing it so you could see what it looks like on, but it wouldn't show up on camera because it's so light. So I ended up adding two more layers to get the color you see here (which is still pretty subtle).

I also don't find it to be particularly long-lasting but that may be because the color is so light. Even the slightest bit of fading will make this one disappear. I'm debating whether I should exchange this for another color, or just return it to Sephora because I really do love the's easy to blend, looks super natural and fresh, and gives a sheer wash of color. I guess I'll just have to go there and swatch the other shades to see if they show up better than this one does. Fingers crossed!

You can see more reviews or purchase Stila Aqua Glow Watercolor Blush at


  1. I use a stipple brush to apply, and I've had great luck with that. The other colors are gorgeous, too! I think I have 4 of them. I'm fair, also, and with the stipple brush, it shows up well on me, and it does wear for 8 hours or so before it fades. Maybe try another color, hopefully you'll like it better!

    1. Hi Coco, thanks I'll try the stipple brush and see how that goes! If it's still too light, I'll try a deeper shade. I'm always afraid of clown cheeks with darker colors, but some blushes are so sheer that even the darker colors look natural.

  2. Uh oh, very pretty color, but I have teflon cheeks and this will never last more than 2 minutes on me. I think you should return -maybe you got a bad batch or try another color (Katherine T.)

    1. Hahaha! Teflon cheeks that's a great term! Mine are like a sponge...they suck up everything. :)

  3. What a pretty color! How does this compare to the Makeup Revolution liquid blushes on wear time and pigment?


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