Pixi Glow Tonic Review

Pixi Glow Tonic Exfoliating Toner ($29 at Pixibeauty.com) is an oil-free, alcohol-free toner that promises to exfoliate, smooth, and brighten the look of your skin. It has a cult following around the world and I finally broke down and ordered some...unfortunately it's not sold at Target with the rest of the line, it's only available from Pixibeauty.com. So is it worth the hype?  Read on to find out!

In the past, I never had much of a need for toners since I have dry skin. Back in the day, they were full of alcohol that just made my dry skin feel even drier and tighter. These days, toners are much more gentle and I've been using alcohol-free versions after cleansing as a way to clean up any makeup residue that's left behind. Pixi's Glow Tonic goes beyond regular toners, as it contains 5% Glycolic Acid to exfoliate the skin, Witch Hazel for reducing inflammation and oil, and aloe to calm and soothe.

You may have heard the term "acid toning" and that's exactly what this does...glycolic acid exfoliates the skin without the need for scrubbing so it's a gentler way to get rid of flakes on dry skin and also reduce oil and prevent pores from getting clogged in oily skin. So this is one of those products that miraculously works for both dry and oily skin types!
The majority of reviews I've read on this were written by people with oily skin, but as a person with dry skin, I can honestly say that this works wonders for keeping my flakes at bay for a smooth complexion. Removing that dead layer of skin cells on top helps your serums and creams to penetrate better and your makeup to go on smoother. It also rids your skin of that dull top layer, revealing the brighter skin underneath.
I've been using this every night (and some mornings too) and I haven't had the need for a scrub because my face feels as smooth as a baby's bottom.
I do want to mention that this has a pretty strong floral fragrance, in case you're sensitive to them. It disappears once I add my serum or moisturizer but you definitely smell it while you're using it.

Overall, I'm really impressed with Pixi's Glow Tonic and for me, it's definitely been worth the hype. I love that I can tone and exfoliate in one step...it couldn't be easier or faster, I just put a little on a cotton pad and sweep it over my face after cleansing. I've noticed a big difference in my skin these past few weeks. Before, I would exfoliate twice a week or so and my skin would look great at first but a few days later it would start to look dull and feel rough again. Since this is gentler than a scrub I can use it every day and my skin never starts to look dull and my makeup applies flawlessly. 
No matter what your skin type, you can likely benefit from Pixi Glow Tonic! It's a little pricey but the bottle is pretty large (8.5 oz) and will last quite a while. 
You can order it online at Pixibeauty.com.


  1. I just don't think I could bring myself to spend $29 on a toner… because I would be thinking to myself "If I only spend $6 more dollars I could get a Too Faced eyeshadow palette!"… lol

    1. Lol, I hear ya! I thought the same thing which is why it took me years to finally break down and buy it. Now that I have it, I feel like it's worth it because it's more than a toner it's my daily exfoliator too. I'm sure it'll be on sale at some point! :)

  2. I have oily skin and I've been using Glow Tonic for about 6 months after seeing YouTube vloggers raving about it. It has also changed my skin. I have less breakouts and my pores seem less noticeable (I know you can't really shrink them but they are less visible because they're clean). I would recommend it to anyone!

  3. Thanks Crystal! I appreciate the oily skin perspective! :)

  4. Love this stuff! I'm on my third bottle. Like you said, I think it's worth the money because it's not just a toner, it does so much more for your skin than a regular toner.


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