Rimmel BB Radiance and BB Matte Spotted at Walgreens

Today at Walgreens I spotted a Rimmel display that included their existing BB Cream plus two new formulas- BB Radiance and BB Matte ($6.99 each).
Every year, Walgreens puts all of the new products way up high on a shelf above the makeup aisle, so if you're looking for new products, I suggest looking up first!  This one was up so high, I wasn't able to reach it to take a photo or grab the two new formulas to purchase for review, so I ended up climbing a shelf and taking the whole display down into the aisle (the whole time hoping security didn't come out and yell at me!).

The BB Radiance formula comes in 2 shades, Light and Medium, and is supposed to brighten the skin with Vitamin C.  The display says it's a "9-in-1 Skin Awakening Super Makeup" with a "radiant finish" and an SPF 20.
The BB Matte version is an "oil-free formula that controls shine all day" and is "9-in-1 super charged matte makeup".  This one comes in three shades- Light, Light/Medium, and Medium and has an SPF 15.
I'm not sure why there are different SPF's in the different formulas (the Original has SPF 25) and also the Original and Matte versions have three shades each while the Radiance version only has two shades.
I purchased both new formulas so I'll be reviewing them soon...stay tuned! Which one are you interested in trying?


  1. I bought the original while I was in the UK last year and really liked it but it was a bit drying for my skin. I can't wait to try the Radiance formula! Plus, I'm pretty sure I still have a Rimmel coupon in my wallet....

    1. Hi Holly, I had the same experience with the original. I'm also looking forward to trying the radiance one! :)

  2. I bought the matte one today at Walgreens on the top shelf! I have a very oily t zone so I hope it works out.

    1. You'll have to let me know what you think! I have dry skin so my experience with matte products is never the same as those with oily skin. :)

  3. I would love to know how this works for your oily skin. My t-zone is a mess!

  4. Rimmel BB Cream is my favorite. The coverage is fantastic and it feels lightweight.


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