Swap Beauty Box Samples Online with eDivv.

Do you have a bunch of unused beauty samples from subscription boxes just sitting around?  If you're wondering what to do with your beauty products that you can't use or have duplicates of, there's a new site dedicated to swapping them with others for free, called eDivv.
This site is such a great idea, because I know plenty of people, myself included, who sometimes get a product they just can't use whether it's not right for their skin type or maybe it's a color that they don't particularly like. I've seen swap groups on Pinterest and Facebook, but finally there's an actual site where you can set up shop and browse products easily.

So how does it work? Here are the steps:

1. Sign up for a free account.
2. Find a product you want and click "Divvy"
3. Choose a product from your collection that you'd be willing to trade for that item.
4. The person who's trading the item you want will be notified that you want to trade with them. They can either accept, or counter and ask for a different product you have, or decline your offer.
5. Once agreed upon, both people send out their items within 48 hours.

This video explains the process:

I'm so glad to have found eDivv, because it's a great way to get rid of your beauty clutter and actually get products you want!

To check it out, visit eDivv.com

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