Physicians Formula PH Matchmaker Gloss Review

I saw the new Physicians Formula PH Matchmaker collection at Rite Aid today and got immediately drawn in by the awesome packaging and the fact that everything in the collection works with the PH balance in your skin to create a color that's perfect for you, so it'll look different on everyone. 

Since the packaging itself is so cool, I'll start with that, and then go into how it works.

Here's the outer packaging for the lip gloss: 

On the back, it explains what it does, and also shows you how to use the lighted cap- how cool is that?!  

The gloss has a mirror on the side, which is awesome for touch ups:
And the cap lights up, in case you need to apply it in the dark, if you're out at a club or bar, or wherever.  The lights shine right at your lips as you apply, which really allows you to see what you're doing.

You can turn the light on by clicking the button on top of the cap.  
Now that we've covered the packaging, here's how it works.  The gloss itself is a thicker gloss that really grabs onto lips, and holds on for quite a while.  Lip Gloss in general has a notoriously short lifespan on your lips, before you have to reapply, but this one stays on really well compared to most. 

When I first applied it, it went on almost clear with just a hint of color.  After 1 minute, it developed into a darker pink shade.  It ended up being a little darker than my lip color with a touch of pink.  It's hard to go by my swatches, because it could look totally different on you, but just to give you an idea, here are my results: 


Right after application:

After 1 minute:

I love everything about this gloss.  I really liked the color it came out to be on my lips, the texture, and the cool packaging.  
It cost $9.99 at Rite Aid, but there was an instant $3 off coupon right on the package, so look for that if you decide to purchase this. 

So what do you guys think?  Are you getting one? 


  1. This is so cool. I'm a little worried about what color it will turn on me, but I can always return it. The packaging is really neat!

  2. I'm wondering what the bronzer is like. I saw this at my Rite Aid too, but haven't seen much online about it yet. I heard that the "official" launch date isn't till March. I guess they're putting it out early.

  3. Love your blog!!! Always informative!!! I just picked up the Pink one yesterday and loving it!


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