Summer 2011 Drugstore Makeup Launches- NEW PRODUCTS

The summer 2011 products are starting to come out and I was lucky enough to stumble across some of them today.  I will try to review all of the products listed here, starting tomorrow, with the Maybelline Color Sensational High Shine lipstick, which I purchased.

First up, is the next product in the Cover Girl NatureLuxe line- Natureluxe Mascara.  As you can see from the picture, it's a mousse mascara, supposed to be volumizing and lightweight, made with a beeswax base instead of chemicals

Next, also from Cover Girl is Lash Perfection mascara.  I'm really excited about this one, because I'm in love with Lash Blast Fusion, and I think Cover Girl does a great job with their mascaras.  This one looks like it will also be volumizing.

Next up, is Cover Girl Intense Shadow Blast Liquid Eyeshadow with built-in primer.  This seems like a great idea in theory, but no matter how budge proof a company says their liquid eyeshadow is, it always, always creases on me, primer or not.  I love the look of liquid shadow though, so I'm excited to try this and see if this one's an exception.

Next, is Revlon Grow Luscious Eye Liner- it has ingredients in it to nourish your lashes and help them grow.  Genius! (sorry for the fuzzy picture- my iPhone wasn't behaving).

Revlon also just introduced new Summer shades for their Just Bitten Lip Stain, as well as new nail polishes called Just Tinted that are supposed to be "sheer color for a polished look".

 Finally, Maybelline launched a High Shine Version of their Color Sensational Lipstick.  I purchased this and will review tomorrow!  

Has anyone tried these new products yet?  Or even if not, what are you thinking?

1 comment

  1. These are out in my area at Target. Not being actualy advertised really, put on the end of the isle away from the middle isle(close to the wall). I purchased the natureluxe mascara and it is very simlar to the last blast length with a little more volume. It is also available in more then just black as I purchased it in brown, my go to “no makeup look” color. All in all I like it. I wish I didnt put down the eye shadow now…


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