Revlon Grow Luscious Plumping Mascara Review

I really liked Revlon's Grow Luscious mascara that came out last year, so I was super excited to try their new Plumping formula.
According to the packaging, 
"Conditioning formula helps strengthen and plump lashes for up to 200% instantly for maximum volume".  

Here's what I liked about this mascara:  
  • Large brush that tapers to a narrower end
  • Formula is very lengthening and a little bit thickening
  • Lashes feel soft during and after use 
Here's what I wasn't crazy about:
  • Formula is very wet and got all over my eyelid even though I was careful while applying it
  • While it lengthened, I don't think it thickened by 200% like the package says.
 I felt that this mascara did a good job of making my lashes longer, but they did get a little clumpy/spidery due to the wet formula.  And while it did plump them somewhat, I've gotten better thickening results from Maybelline's Colossal and XXL Bold 24 Hour formula (but they don't lengthen much).  
So I'm still on a quest to find that drugstore mascara that does both.  For now, I'll keep mixing and layering them together to get my length and volume.

Here are before and after pictures of my lashes using Revlon's Grow Luscious Plumping: 

My lashes are definitely more noticeable, but clumpy.  I'd like to get a more feathery lash look, like Jessica Beal has in the Revlon ads.  I just couldn't get that with this mascara- the more I ran the brush through to separate my lashes, the more they clumped. Next time, I'll try wiping the brush off first and see if that lessens the clumpiness.


  1. I also found this mascara to be really wet. I wiped it off on a paper towel first, and I couldn't believe how much product was on the towel! It looked like half the tube. It was gloppy and got all over. I actually like the original version better because it made my lashes more fluttery.

  2. Thanks for the review & demonstration. I was going to try this new mascara, but I'm staying with my L'oreal mascara, it works exceptionally well.

    Also, will you be doing any reviews on any Summer 2011 products? Thanks!

  3. Hi Ginger- I definitely will! I'm in the drugstores every day, so as soon as products hit the shelves, I buy them for review.

  4. any updates on this mascara? sometimes when you give it a couple tries u get a hang of it and u like it better. just curious. i bought mine today but havent tried it so i'm really hoping its like the original formula just more lengthening :)

  5. I'm still sticking with my original review on this one. Sometimes after a few uses, a mascara will dry up a little and be less wet, but this one is still gooping up on me and smudging. It's always possible I got a bad batch, but I'm just not a fan. I like the original Grow Luscious much better!

  6. Your eyes are so big and such a pretty color!I'm jealous...They really are clumpy.If wiping doesn't work,maybe an eyelash comb will help?

  7. I agree. Super wet. I think the only reason I continue to use it is because I have less eyelashes come off when its removed. And it doesn't take an hour to come off. I think I'm going to go back to the carbon black.



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