The Balm Appetit Palette Review & Swatches

the balm appetit palette review
Leave it to The Balm Cosmetics to come up with the cutest, most irresistible packaging ever...especially the new Balm Appetit eyeshadow palette($39.50). It has a food-theme and comes complete with hilarious shade names...Chris P. Bacon anyone?
But cuteness aside, is The Balm Appetit palette worth adding to your collection? Keep on reading to find out my thoughts!

The Balm Appetit is made in the USA and contains nine shades in both matte and shimmer finishes. The overall color selection is cooler-toned muted neutrals, with one warm orange shade thrown into the mix.

The color selection actually reminds me a lot of the Meet Matt(e) Nude palette. There aren't any dupe shades but the overall tone of the palette is definitely similar with mostly cooler shades.
So if you already own Meet Matt(e) Nude or aren't into cooler-toned shades, you might not find yourself drawn to The Balm Appetit Palette.

Again, the packaging is totally adorable...around the mirror are some hotties (a.k.a. dishes) that you can order from the "menu" with prices underneath. Five of the six guys are shades that are included inside the palette except for Phil Le'Mignon, which I found to be a little bit strange.

Covering the palette itself is a flap with cutout letters that spell EAT UR <3's all extremely adorable.
the balm appetit palette
When you open the flap, you're greeted with nine eyeshadows in large square pans. I do enjoy this about a lot of The Balm's palettes...the eyeshadow pans are wide and easy to get a brush (or your fingers) in there easily.

The top row of shades includes Bruce Schetta, which is a matte cream browbone/highlight shade, Mac Encheese, which is a mauve-y matte transition shade, and Ray Sinbread, a muted matte brown transition shade.
the balm appetit palette

The second row offers three medium-toned shades Tate R. Tots (a cool-toned dusty rose shimmer), Rocky Road-Icecream (a shimmery lavender with a bit of gray undertone), and Chris P. Bacon (a warm burnt orange shimmer).

On the bottom row, you have Hal Apeno-Poppers (a light matte taupe), Artie Chokedip (a muted medium blue-gray) and Alfred O'Pasta (a deeper blue-gray shimmer).

If you're familiar with The Balm's eyeshadows, you probably know that they don't have that creamy, buttery feeling that Urban Decay and Too Faced shadows have...they feel a little more dry to the touch, but are still incredibly pigmented. They don't have any of that chunky fallout that softer, more buttery formulas can have, but they can be a little dusty (especially the matte shades). Still, those with oily eyelids will likely appreciate the slightly drier formula.

I didn't have any issues with pigmentation until I got to the last two blue-gray shades...they just didn't swatch very well. They went on kind of patchy and sheer- I had to build up Artie Chokedip in my swatches below and it still doesn't look very pigmented. But aside from those two disappointing shades, the rest of the palette swatches nicely and applies/blends really well with a brush.
I should also mention that Hal Apeno-Poppers was pigmented but it's so close to my skin color, it just about disappears in my swatch photo.
the balm appetit swatches

Overall, I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I can definitely see myself using the top two rows of the palette pretty often, but I'm not crazy about the bottom row. I don't wear grays/blues that much and the third shade on the bottom doesn't show up on my skin tone. So for me, that means I'm getting about six useable shades for $39.50 with this palette. Granted, they are six beautiful shades, but I'm not sure it's worth the money in the end.

I absolutely love The Balm and own all of their eyeshadow palettes so when I think about them all together, I can see myself reaching for Meet Matt(e) Trimony or one of the Nude 'Tude/Nude Dude palettes over this one most of the time.

So while I wouldn't consider this palette to be a total flop, I don't love it as much as some of The Balm's previous releases.

What do you think? Have you picked up the new Balm Appetit palette? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

You can find The Balm Appetit now at and shortly at Kohls stores and


  1. Nice read! Something new in the balm edition. I have not used their eyeshadows but their blush on , highlighter and lipglosses, which are nice.

    1. Thank you! I agree, their blushes and highlighters are awesome! Their eyeshadows are great too for the most part. I think the problem with this palette for me is that I probably won't use it that much...but that doesn't mean the quality isn't excellent overall! :)

  2. Thank you so much, fantastic post as usual! I've been wanting this ever since I saw it come out but it's not in my budget right now so I was feeling a little down about it. I feel so much better now that I didn't run right out and get it. I still might buy it down the road but everything you said makes total sense. I prefer warmer toned palettes so I might get the City Color Spice Me Up palette you reviewed a few weeks ago instead. Love your blog!

    1. Thank you so much Katie! I'm glad I could help and I definitely know how you feel. I'm always going back and forth about whether or not to buy certain products and sometimes I miss out because I take too long to decide (I never got the Too Faced Peach Palette for example). But I'm glad my review was able to help you make up your mind. By the way, the Spice Me Up Palette is beautiful if you like warm-toned eyeshadows! :)

  3. Great feedback! I won't be wasting money on this since I already have the meet matte nude palette

    1. I hear ya...I was surprised at the similarities when I put them side-by-side! The Balm Appetit does have some shimmery shades while the Meet Matt(e) doesn't, but I can see how you wouldn't want two palettes that have such similar colors.

  4. Jen thank you so much for a great unbiased review. You did such a good job listing the pros and cons and I appreciate it in a world full of bloggers who just like to shill. I love all things The Balm and will probably still buy this because I will feel like my collection won't be complete without it and it's so cute. BUT I'm not in as much of a rush. I will wait for their next 50% off sale (Black Friday maybe?) and get it then. I agree that I wouldnt use it as much as my other The Balm palettes.

    1. Hi Jeri, thank you so much, I really appreciate that! :) I agree...I love the Balm and this palette is really cute. I just wasn't sure that $39.50 was worth it to me for the 6 shades I'll likely use in this palette. But that's a great point...The Balm regularly has 50% off site-wide sales so I'm sure you'll be able to pick it up for under $20 if you're willing to wait a little while. :)

  5. That rusty orange makes the palette for me!

    1. It is SUCH a pretty shade, no doubt about that! :)

  6. I love the colors and the theme. The Balm has the cutest packaging. I'll most likely be grabbing this one, since I loved Meet Matt(e) Trimony so much.

  7. I got it for 24 euros instead of 41 euro which is it's usual price. I do agree with the light bottom row color since it falls away but I do like the palette overall. I have not yet got meet matt trim one but want it. Nora


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