Revlon PhotoReady Insta-Fix Contouring & Highlighting Duo | Spotted!

I was at Bed, Bath & Beyond today and spotted the new Revlon PhotoReady Insta-Fix Contouring & Highlighting Duos ($16.99). The include the Insta-Fix foundation stick (which launched back in 2014) and a brand new Insta-Fix Highlighting Stick.

There are six foundation choices and two different highlighters...a pink one that goes with the three lightest foundation shades, and a bronzy gold highlight that goes with the deeper three shades. I'm not exactly sure why they're called contouring and highlighting duos because the foundation sticks are just the regular existing foundation shades and not deeper contour colors.

The foundation shades that include the pink highlighter are Fair, Light, and Light Medium...

...and the three shades with the golden bronze highlighter are Medium, Medium Deep, and Deep.

Here's a closer look at the Fair shade with the pink highlighter (I bought this one to try):

Here's the Medium shade with the bronzy gold highlighter:

Here are some packaging shots (notice that these say Limited Edition on them)...

My son was busy re-arranging the new Revlon palettes (a post is coming on those too) while I took pictures :) I had to put them all back when I was done but at least it kept him entertained!

Since these duos are Limited Editon, I'm hoping that Revlon comes out with these highlighters by themselves because $16.99 is kind of steep...especially if you don't need both products. I still have some of my Insta-Fix foundation left from before and really didn't need another one. Still, I bought this set because I really wanted to try that highlighter!  I'm guessing Revlon thought a lot of people would feel the same way and this would be a good way to get them to try the Insta-Fix foundation if they haven't done so yet.

I really do like the Insta-Fix foundation so I have high hopes for the highlighter. Thankfully, I was able to use a $5 Bed, Bath & Beyond coupon on this so it brought the price down to $11.99...not too bad for two products!

Are you interested in trying this duo?

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  1. Wow! I can't wait to see swatches of these!

  2. Those prices are hight!!! I would love to try those sticks...the palette looks beautiful but Emilynoel reviewed them and she was kind of disappointed anyway I am getting my hand on those sticks... Have a wonderful day girl and thanks for the awesome review

    1. No problem! :) I didn't see Emily's review, how did I miss that one? I need to go watch it now, lol. Love her!

  3. Hmm, not sure how that would work unless you're supposed to buy a darker foundation shade to contour?
    Regardless, their timing sucks. I finally took the plunge and literally JUST bought the Instafix foundation last week (on sale with Rite Aid rewards, at least) and NOW they have this set for not much more!?!? Grrr! I love the shade I got, Vanilla I think (looks are decieving with these, they look much lighter in the package than they really are) so if/when there's a sale I will probably grab one of these, esp if I can use reward points or something to lessen the sting of bad timing. Ah well, such is life lol

    1. Aww, that stinks! I'm actually working on a first impression now and I found out how these are working as a contour...they put a darker Insta-Fix foundation stick in the box than you'd actually use for foundation. In the "Fair" box that I bought, they put in the shade 140, which is the fourth-lightest shade. Normally a fair-skinned person would wear the lightest (or second-to-lightest) shade when choosing a foundation. When I swatched it, it was about 2 shades darker than my skintone. So when buying these sets, you're not actually getting the right foundation shade for your skin're getting a darker shade to contour with. :)

  4. P.S., how cute is your son!?!? And I bet the display looked better AFTER he 'organized' it, if it started out looking anything like the ones at my store after being pillaged a few times! Too cute :)

    1. Aww, thank you Steffy! :) He's actually very good about cleaning and organizing for a little kid. He definitely doesn't get that from me! Haha :)

  5. Hi! New follower here. Did you ever get to do a review on these? Would love to know how they worked out for you!


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