Happy Mother's Day!

I just wanted to wish all the mamas out there a Happy Mother's Day! I can't imagine life without this little guy, he brings me so much joy and laughter...more than I ever would have thought possible. I'm so proud of the sweet, loving kid he is...even at such a young age, he is already so thoughtful and caring toward people and loves animals more than anything else on the planet. I can't wait to see how he changes and grows over the years to come!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Wow, he has such a wonderful smile, just like his Mama :) I have a 2.5 yr old, and she seems to love dogs and cats. I see a fur baby in the future! (Katherine T.)

    1. Thank you Katherine, Happy Mother's Day to you too! I didn't know you had a little one the same age :) Mine would love a dog or cat I'm sure but my husband is allergic to pet dander so it doesn't look like it'll happen. Still, we have a farm down the road that we can go and visit anytime so he loves looking at the horses, cows, sheep and goats. :)

    2. Oh that's even better! Only have to visit and play with the animals, no need to feed, wash, walk, pay for vet bills! We'll see, maybe when she gets a little older, we'll get a small dog or cat . I do miss having them around :) (Katherine T.)


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