CoverGirl Clean Matte BB Cream | Spotted

covergirl clean matte bb cream

After digging through my old posts for yesterday's Throwback Thursday, I saw that CoverGirl released a new foundation last year during the first week of May, so I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond today and guess what I found? The new Covergirl Clean Matte BB Cream! 

The formula is meant for oily skin and claims to have a matte finish. It comes in five shades which is a decent range for a BB Cream, I guess.

I'll have a lot more info when I can go back and read the package/take more photos, but I just wanted to get this post up quickly to let you know that this is starting to hit the stores.

It's also on the website now for $8.99.

Happy Friday! :)
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  1. So excited to see the review for this, I've been super curious because I have very oily skin but don't want to go in blind. <3 you!

    1. I'll definitely review this but since I have dry skin, I don't know how helpful it will be, haha! :)

  2. I'm very interested in this! I have oily skin, but sometimes just want to use a BB cream (as long as it has SPF). Most BB creams are too emollient for my skin. I hope this one has SPF...

    1. I can tell you so far that this doesn't really feel emollient at dries down really fast for a BB Cream. :)

  3. Thanks Jen. I'll be waiting for your review. I was avoiding BB creams since they tend to be too emollient for oily skin. Face products is the only makeup category where I looooove seeing the word matte in.

    1. Hi Marina! From testing it so far I can definitely say its not very emollient like most BB's are. I'll be posting a review soon! :)


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