Check Out This Vera Mona Color Switch Dupe!

I've been seeing this around YouTube and had to share it with you guys (I'm sure some of you have seen it already). For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Vera Mona Color Switch is a dry sponge that comes in a little tin and it's used to clean your makeup brushes quickly and without water. 

This way, when you're using a specific shade and you want to switch to a different shade using the same brush, you can just swirl it around on the sponge and it cleans your brush so you can dip into another color. It's a cool product and gets rave reviews, but it's $18....for a a little tin. 

So it turns out that the material that's used to make those hair donuts (you know the ones you can use to make a "perfect" bun?) is pretty much the same stuff! The one pictured above is from Forever 21, but you can get them at just about any drugstore, supermarket, etc. 

Last night I grabbed one of my old hair donuts and tested it worked great! I'm so glad I didn't spend a ton of money on Color Switch! 

Have you heard about this yet and if so, have you tried it? 


  1. Products like that make laugh! They're so expensive for what they are. To be perfectly honest with you, I just wipe my eyeshadow brushes on my dressing gown when switching between shades. My dressing gown is a dark colour and goes in the wash anyway, but it's always hanging near my mirror where I do my makeup haha xx

    Laura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle

    1. Haha that works too! Agreed, I would never pay that much for a product like that! But for a dollar or two, I can get behind it. :)

  2. I think it was Wayne Goss that I heard this tip from. I went to the dollar tree and got a pack of 2 sponges...they weren't the same thing but pretty much the same material. I have been using them ever since to switch colors! Works like a charm.

  3. also meant to say...the sponges I got are you can actually see the color coming off. Which I like, since then I "know it's working"

    1. Oh that's awesome...I like the idea of a white sponge! :)

  4. It's just made of stipple sponge! It's apparently a theater thing for putting bloody or beard face paint on? I ordered 3 little sponges on amazon for $4 and stuck it in a little tin I had and its the same exact thing.

  5. This might be the best thing I've ever seen. I am definitely going with this option!

  6. Oooh great tip! I would never spend money on this lol, but I certainly have some hair donuts hanging around! However, I also like to use baby wipes. I'll use baby wipes to wipe off product (like concealer) from my hands. I leave it to dry, and then use it the next time to clean color off my brush when changing shadow colors. I also use baby wipes with my daily brush cleanser to clean my brushes.


I love getting comments from you and hearing about your experiences with the products, whether you agree with me or not. It's the best way other readers can get the best information before they buy, so keep the comments coming! :)

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