New L'oreal La Palette Lip and Matte-Matic Eyeliners Spotted at Harmon

Today was a rainy, overcast day so we decided to head down to the shore to visit the aquarium. My son has just discovered Finding Nemo and we thought he'd like to see the fish. On the way down, he fell asleep in the car, and knowing that there is a Harmon in the area, I casually suggested to my husband that we swing by there and I could just "run in quick and see what's new" while he waited in the car with my son...because, you know, he was asleep and would probably be out for a while anyway! Ah, the things my husband does for me...he's a good sport! 
The good news is, my little detour paid off...I spotted two new L'oreal products that I haven't seen in stores near me. Let's take a look...
l'oreal la palette lip
The first display I saw was for the new L'oreal La Palette Lip. Each one contains five shades and there are two different color options...Ruby 01 and Nude 02.
l'oreal la palette lip
They're $11.99 at Harmons which means they'll likely be a bit more when they hit the regular drugstores. The display showed swatches of all the shades and I have to admit, they look really pretty! Each kit also comes with a "professional designer lip brush".
l'oreal la palette lip

Next up, I spotted the Infallible Matte-Matic eyeliners $7.99. These come in four shades: Ultra Black, Taupe Gray, Deep Brown, and Matte Navy and appear to be automatic pencils. They claim to have a matte finish and "up to 24hr intensity". Call me intrigued!
loreal matte-matic eyeliner

loreal matte-matic eyeliner

Have you seen these in stores near you yet? I'm really curious to know if these are anywhere except Harmon/Bed Bath & Beyond stores! 


  1. I wanna see how those matte eyeliners hold up on oily lids. If they hold up well, that matte navy one is mine. The nude lip palette sounds like a great gift option for my sister who's starting to use makeup.

  2. I need to take a trip to Harmon " to see what's new" those look interesting, wonder if they have that Loreal lipstick taste though?

  3. I haven't seen these anywhere! Love that nude lip palette though! So gorgeous!

  4. Oh the lip creams!! I want both of those!


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