Colourpop Sheer Lippie Stix are Now Available!

The Colourpop Sheer Lippie Stix were supposed to launch tomorrow but they're already available on the site
So if you've been wanting to try them, don't wait...the liquid mattes sold out really fast last time...I totally missed out! Happy shopping! I'd love to hear what colors you chose in the comments below! I got them all to review here on the blog, but I'm most excited about Crunch, Kiddo, and Juice Bar! 

You can grab these now at!


  1. Jen, You are the BEST!!! I just ordered five shades with no problems, site crashes or out of stock shades. Maybe they're starting early to avoid having too big of a crowd tomorrow. Hmm.


I love getting comments from you and hearing about your experiences with the products, whether you agree with me or not. It's the best way other readers can get the best information before they buy, so keep the comments coming! :)

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