
Hey all! Just wanted to update you quick on the comments section of the blog...I was previously using Disqus and a lot of you were telling me that you hated didn't want to have to create an account or login just to post a comment, and felt that it wasn't user-friendly.
So I've gone back to Blogger's standard comment form which should make posting comments quick and easy for you (and anonymous if you so choose).
Unfortunately, when I got rid of Disqus, they took all my comments with them.  So all of your comments on my posts for the last 6 months or so have been deleted. :(  I was told that this wouldn't happen and that the Disqus comments would revert back to Blogger- but that didn't happen.

So anyway, please keep those comments coming!  I love reading and responding to each and every one of you- you're all the reason why I do this every day and I'm so grateful that you continue to come back and read this blog every day.

XO Jen


  1. Sorry all the comments were deleted! But I'll definitely be back to leave more. Love your blog!

  2. I hated the Disque, too. And I thought I was the only one!

  3. So glad you changed! I refuse to make an account so rarely get to comment on blogs. More bloggers should follow your lead! Thanks for listening to your fans!

    1. Thanks, I'm glad it's a positive change. I love when people comment because it's my only chance to interact with all of you! I want to make it as easy as possible for readers to let me know what's on their minds. I know that I personally don't want to have to go through the trouble of registering just to post a comment, so I totally understand why you guys didn't want to either! :)


I love getting comments from you and hearing about your experiences with the products, whether you agree with me or not. It's the best way other readers can get the best information before they buy, so keep the comments coming! :)

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