Yes To Carrots Color Balm Review- Rosy Bloom Swatch

There are a lot of new color balms on the market, and I'm definitely a fan of them, but what separates this one from some of the others is that it's 100% natural. Here's the ingredient panel- it has some really moisturizing oils and butters in it. 

There are three colors: Peachy Keen, Rosy Bloom and Soft Plum. 
When I opened the tube of the Rosy Bloom shade I bought, I was a little taken aback by the color- it looks like a rust orange color, yet the tube is pink. I was a little worried that it was going to look orange on my lips.  

The color is actually very subtle on my lips, and it is definitely not orange!  It gives just a hint of rosiness, and has less color than Revlon's Colorburst Lip Butter or L'oreal's Color Riche Balm.  The wonderful thing about this balm, compared to the others, is that it literally has no scent whatsoever.  You know how some unscented products still have their own scent, like a sort of waxy smell?  This one doesn't- it's truly unscented. 
Also, I would say this one is more moisturizing than the other tinted balms I've tried, but without being heavy at all.  It's also a little more matte- it just melts right into the lips, and feels amazingly moist and smooth. I've been using this non-stop for two days, and I just love the feel of it.

Here are my before and afters: 

I'd love to try the Soft Plum color also- it looked a bit darker in the tube, but now that I know these aren't that pigmented, I'd be willing to try it.  
If anyone has tried these, I'd love to hear your thoughts! 


  1. Saw these at Walgreens but the plum color was sold out. I was afraid to try the rosy one because when I opened the tube I also thought it looked orange. Now I might go back and get it!

  2. I got one today and it's amazing!!! Best. Lipbalm. Ever.
    Thank you so much for reviewing it!

  3. just bought the soft plum and it's gorgeous. Reminds me of a softer Clinique Black Honey. This balm feels amazing and I'm going back to get the Rosy next!

  4. Alyssa, I love Black Honey! It would be awesome to find something similar for a lot less. I'm really bummed that the soft plum is sold out by me.


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