Spotted in Stores! Simple Sensitive Skin Line

 Lately, I've been seeing the new Simple sensitive skincare line in drugstores like Rite Aid and Walgreens, and while I don't know much about the products yet, I'm glad to see a full line of products without perfumes, dyes or irritants.
The line consists of 2 moisturizers: Hydrating (a light moisturizer) and Replenishing (a rich moisturizer), 2 different cleasing wipes: regular and exfoliating, A moisturizing facial wash, and a smoothing facial scrub.
Although I don't have sensitive skin, my skin does still act up once in a while, so I'd love to try this as an alternative to using products loaded with chemicals.  

Has anyone tried any products from this line?  If you have sensitive skin, would you try the Simple line?


  1. I saw this in the store too. I almost bought the scrub, but didn't. I still might, so if I do buy it, I'll let you know how it is.

  2. I switched to the simple smoothing facial scrub and it has been great so far. It feels better than what I have been using previously.



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