Fun Face Masks to Try This Fall

If you've been reading here for the past few weeks, you probably know that I've been absolutely loving a brand I recently discovered called Perfectly Posh. I promised some in-depth reviews of their products since many of you had never heard of them and were curious about a lot of the products. 
Today I wanted to review two of the masks I received in my Starter Kit  last month, Smashing Good Pumpkin ($19) and Cackle Spackle ($18). Don't be fooled by the adorable names and packagin...these masks are packed with serious ingredients that actually work. Plus, like all Perfectly Posh products, they are made in the USA, cruelty free, under $25 and are naturally based. 

Let's take a look...

Smashing Good Pumpkin Face & Body Clay comes in a 4 oz. tube and if you're a fan of 90's alternative music like I am, you no doubt noticed that the name cleverly pays homage to one of my all-time favorite bands! ;) 
Inside are ingredients like Tea Tree, Witch Hazel, and Salicylic Acid to draw impurities out of the skin to heal and prevent blemishes, as well as pumpkin seed oil (rich in antioxidants and omega fatty acids), banana, apricot, and coconut fruit extracts to soothe and hydrate your skin. 

It comes out of the tube as a tan-colored's not as thick as some mud masks but it's not runny either. It has a mild earthy smell (I thought it might smell like pumpkins but it doesn't). You can use it as a mask all over your face or just in areas where breakouts occur, and you can use it on your body if you tend to break out on your back or chest. Also, if you have those Keratosis Pilaris bumps on the backs of your arms (as a lot of us do!) the salicylic acid in here is great for clearing those up. 

So even though this mask is great for blemish-prone skin, any skin type can use it if you have other issues you want to address. 
For example, I have dry skin, and have never had acne in my life, but I do break out occasionally due to hormones. I used this last week to stave off my monthly hormonal chin breakouts and I was pleasantly surprised to see that my skin stayed clear this month. I've been using it on the backs of my arms the past few days and have seen the little bumps go down a bit so I'm really excited about that as well! 

Next up is the Cackle Spackle Detoxifying Face Mask. This is great for pulling toxins out of the skin and can be used by any skin type. So when my skin is starting to look dull and lackluster, it's time to pull this one out of the cabinet.

It contains Charcoal Powder, Volcanic Ash, and Kaolin Clay to draw out dirt and impurities while spearmint essential oil and eucalyptus tone the skin and give the mask a brisk, refreshing scent. I love using this in the morning once a week (usually on Sundays) to wake me up and give my skin a good deep cleaning.
It comes out of the tube as a medium-thick dark gray mud that's really easy to spread across your face (just don't get it too close to your eyes). I leave it on for about 5 minutes while I'm getting ready to get in the shower, and then I rinse it off once I get in using a washcloth to make sure there's no residue left behind.
Afterwards, my skin not only looks brighter but it looks cleaner. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I guess it's because it seems to be free of that top layer that makes my skin look dull and feel a little bit gritty. After using Cackle Spackle my face has a softer, smoother feel and skin care products seem to sink in better.

Overall, I'm really impressed by these two masks! For me personally, they're not something I need to use every day, but they definitely help when my skin is misbehaving and they actually do what they claim to do.
I love the cute names and packaging but these masks are much more than that which is awesome. Budget Beauty recommended!

You can purchase the Smashing Good Pumpkin Mask and Cackle Spackle at

Disclaimer: I purchased these products with my own money. The links in this post are affiliate links so I will make a small commission if you make a purchase. 

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  1. These look great, I want the Cackle Spackle for me and the Smashing Pumpkin for my daughter who is 13 and has started suffering breakouts lately. She will especially get a kick out of the name since she's been on a 90's music kick and has been stealing all my old CD's.

    1. OMG that's awesome!! I agree, there is definitely a 90's trend going on right now...I see it everywhere. Sadly, I didn't take great care of my CD's so they're all scratched up and I won't be able to pass them down to my son. All of my music is digital now. :)

  2. I own the Smashing Good Pumpkin mask and use it 3-4x a week. My friend turned me on to it when I started getting adult acne and it's fabulous- I'm on my 2nd tube! I never dealt with acne before and was trying different products from drugstore stuff to high end like murad but everything was so harsh and dried my face up making the problem worse. Proactiv finally helped but I noticed even better results since I added this mask to my routine. I can't recommend it enough. Also the Perf Posh hand creams are the BEST!

    1. Emily, thank you for sharing your story! I feel like I am in the same boat. I just turned 35 and all of a sudden I am getting breakouts, like WTF? Nevermind that I never had breakouts in my life, not even as a teen (I have normal skin, or HAD normal skin). I think I will give this mask a try. Can't hurt right?

    2. That's so great to hear Emily! I love hearing from people who have tried Posh because I'm the only person I know who's heard of it, haha! But the more I keep hearing rave reviews, the more I know that there are a lot of people out there who love it!:)

  3. The names of these have me wondering if they are limited edition fall products, or are they available year round?

  4. I've seen reviews on these going back to at least last year so I think they'll stick around. I was wondering the same thing at first! :)

    1. Thanks! I really want to try these but want to use up some things I already have first.

  5. I need the Cackle Spackle! Such fun products!


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