Ok, We Need To Talk...

Hey guys, I just wanted to take a few minutes to let you know what's been on my mind lately. 
I love blogging and am so proud of how much this blog has grown. I never imagined that over 100,000 people a month would be reading my posts and I want to thank you all for supporting me!

As most people do, I've grown and changed a lot the past seven years. I started The Budget Beauty Blog in 2009 when I was in a very different place in my life. I was working a lot, going to school full time at night and had just started dating my husband. I'm in my late 30's now and I own my own home, am married (5 years ago yesterday) and have a beautiful son who's about to turn 3. I've traded my day job at a bank for raising a child and taking care of a house and staying home has given me the freedom to grow this blog and post a lot more often. Full time blogging is a dream come true for me because I never saw myself in the corporate world...I always wanted to stay at home and raise my children. Now I can honestly say that I'm the happiest I have ever been.

Blogging is fun but it's also hard work. I put in more hours all together than I did at my old full time job and I love every minute of it! I spend a lot of my time thinking about the blog...planning posts, running all over town and in and out of drugstores looking for new products, taking and editing photos, writing (and rewriting) posts, etc.  I love makeup...it's my passion and always has been since I was a little girl.

That's why it hurts to see some recent comments both here on the blog and on various message boards/social media saying things like I'm "disingenuous" and "just shilling products" for sponsors. Here I thought I was just here to share my love of makeup and beauty products with you guys! I very rarely accept sponsored post opportunities...the only way I will do it is if the product is something I've already used and is something that I actually like and believe in. Regardless, you will always know if I'm writing a sponsored post because it will say so within that post.

In addition to reviewing products (95% of which I purchase with my own money) I also like to talk about new products I've seen at Ulta, Sephora, or out at the drugstores. These posts are a result of me spending time looking through these websites (or going to stores in person), spotting new products I think are interesting and posting about them...end of story! No brands are involved...ever. They have no idea I'm even posting about them (unless they end up coming across my post on their own). Again, in the rare instance where a brand has sent me products to review, I will always let you know.

I think it's sad that blogging culture has changed to favor sponsored posts and brand shilling because then people like me who are truly excited about their topic and are just posting for the fun of it end up getting accused of doing something shady.

And even more importantly, I start to look  at myself and wonder what is it about me that makes people think I'm not a genuine person? Is it my writing style? Is it the lack of personal antidotes? I always assume you guys don't really want to know about my personal life, you're just here for the makeup- but lately I've been thinking that if you knew the real me, you would know that my intentions are good and that I'm just here to share my love of makeup with you. I don't know...I'd love to hear what you think. I always want to stay true to myself but at the same time, what you think is extremely important to me.

I love this little community we've built together and I really want to keep doing this every day. It's just frustrating and discouraging when my intentions are misinterpreted...it makes me feel like all of my hard work has been for nothing. I guess I'm just feeling lost right now and I just want you to know that I have never had any motives other than to talk about makeup with you guys. I hope you can see that!

Thanks for listening. XO

Thank you all so much for your kind words. It means more to me than you know! I feel silly now that I let a few trolls make me feel like crap because I have you guys that are kind, loyal, and so supportive! Sometimes life gets crazy and I get into a blogging rut and in those moments, I let the negative comments in when I'd normally let them roll off. I incredibly blessed to have gotten this far without any negativity...there are many bloggers/YouTubers I follow who have endured far worse than this so I guess I can consider myself lucky. You all have lifted my spirits and I feel so much better, so thank you!! Love you guys!


  1. This makes me so sad! I have been following your blog for a long time and I have never once felt like you were not being genuine. I've thought about blogging, but it is a lot of time and I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into the blog. I just want you to know that I value what you do and that reading your blog is a major highlight of my days. I hope you know that those people who are critical are probably a small portion of your readership. Thank you again. -Kara

    1. Thank you so much Kara! It means so much to me to hear you say that! :)

    2. I love this blog AND your writing style. I hope it never changes!!

  2. I LOVE your blog !I read it almost daily. I have never thought you were shilling products. I think your reviews are honest and helpful. I have purchased several things due to your positive review. I really love your mascara reviews as I am always looking for the next best one. Just keep doing what you are doing!

    1. Thank you so much Terri! It means so much to know that my reviews have helped you! :)

  3. I was catching up on recent posts today and saw the comment on the IT cosmetics post. I have no idea why someone would say such a thing, your posts are always awesome and honest. If you post something sponsored, it's always noted up front. And honestly, good for you for getting these companies to sponsor you. Don't let the negativity get to you, there are always going to be some haters, but please remember that many people read your blog on a daily basis and enjoy it. Thank you for all you do.

    1. Aww thanks Sarah! It's crazy that all of a sudden I've been getting several comments like that. I usually delete them, but after the last one I'm like, what's going on here? Is it me?? Thank you for your kind words...it means a lot to me! :)

  4. I have been reading your blog for years and you are the best! Keep writing and I see that you are a "beauty whore" just like me!! I love it!! Don't let people get you down. I did You Tube videos on new beauty products and then stopped as people were too mean and I LOVE beauty. The internet is harsh but you are really amazing!!!!!!!!

    1. Aww thank you so much!! And yes...total beauty whore here! Having this blog is my excuse to buy more makeup, haha! That's why it kills me to think that there are people out there who think I'm just trying to profit off of my readers. It couldn't be further from the truth. :)

    2. Also, I meant to add I don't think I have thick enough skin for YouTube...I've seen the comments on some of my favorite channels and I feel bad that they have to hear things like that on a daily basis.

  5. I think you are one of the most sincere & hard-working beauty bloggers!! I don't read many because most are unfortunately taking freebies and doing little work other than saying 'buy this!' but I am always impressed by the work you put into your reviews. Thanks so much for this. Your swatches are excellent also. I understand your torn feelings; as I'm not a blogger I cannot offer any advice but just a huge thanks and sorry that you've received painful comments. The internet is a strange place, often cold and cruel.

    1. Also, congratulations on seven years!! I can't imagine how much work this has taken, yet you're always modest about yourself and thoughtful in your reviews.

    2. That means so much to me, thank you!! I always try to be impartial and my philosophy has always been that if I push a product that isn't worth buying, I'll lose all credibility and thus lose readers. It's not worth it and there's no upside to shilling products just to make a quick buck, especially if you lose readers in the process.

  6. Honey, no worries. Not all of us feel that way. Some people are so mean when hiding behind the veil of the internet, yet they wouldn't say it to you standing face to face. They have nothing better to do, but be hateful and critical of others. I read all your posts as I get your feed through Blogtrottr so far never miss any thing and I've never felt your were being disingenuous. Keep up the good work XOXO

    1. Thank you so much...you're absolutely right. Some people try to make themselves feel better by being mean but would never act this way toward someone they actually know. Thank you for the kind words...I appreciate it so much! :)

  7. This is my favorite beauty blog, because of your honesty and genuine spirit. Please keep doing what you are doing! Your blog is marvelous! XOXO, Ashley

    1. Thank you Ashley! That means so much to hear you say that! :)

  8. I love your blog! You always seems like an incredibly genuine person and that is one thing I like about your blog. Please ignore the negative comments and keep doing what you love! I found your blog to be very helpful and I really appreciate the time you put into it, especially with your job as a stay at home mom.

  9. I started reading your blog fairly recently (within the last few months) and already you have become a source that I trust. I have bought things based on your recommendation (and loved them!) and passed on things that you weren't thrilled with because I value your opinions. I have never felt as though you were disingenuous and I am sad to hear that there are people making you doubt your worth as a blogger! Your posts are so well-done and I can tell the time and care that goes into them when I read them. Please keep doing what you do and don't listen to people who try to bring you down!

    PS- I love reading your makeup posts but would also be interested in seeing more personal posts, if you feel like mixing things up!

    1. Aww thanks Kathryn! I appreciate your kind words and it means so much that you value what I'm doing. :)

  10. I found your blog recently and really enjoy it. I wouldn't mind hearing more about your personal life and family, but I definitely come here for the makeup reviews and news. I wouldn't even blame you if you received free samples or product from companies for review because I KNOW how expensive makeup can be. The fact that you personally buy the majority of your products just shows that it is something you are passionate about regardless.

    P.S. I would love to see how you store all of your makeup, as I'm sure you have a ton. I'm at a loss as to what do do with everything.

    1. Thank you so much! That's a great idea for a post...I recently bought some storage because my stash was getting out of control. Once I get it all set up, I'll take some pictures and write about it. :)

  11. Haters will always hate, just ignore them! They probably make up 1% of the people on this blog, while the rest of us love what you do. I always check your blog everyday for reviews and new products, love your swatches, since the the colors are usually very accurate. And I like how you disclose all sponsorships and freebies. I ignore blogs and youtubers that claim every product is awesome and a must-buy. You come across as very genuine and real, it's the haters that aren't. Please keep up the great work! (Katherine T.)

    1. Aww thanks Katherine. I appreciate how often you come here to comment...it always makes me smile! Thanks for reminding me that the haters are very few and far between. Sometimes it's easy to feel like they're everywhere but it's readers like you who come here every day and are so supportive that I should focus on. :)

  12. I honestly don't mind sponsored posts when people are upfront about and honest. It's easy to see through the "Oh wow! This was given to me but it's so amazing! You so need this in your life. Go. Buy it. You won't regret it." The posts you make are not written like thinly disguised commercials. You show us your real opinion and value that.

    Also, I have provided freebies to YouTubers and Bloggers before. Small companies especially need an outlet to get there products seen on real people. A good company will pick people are honest and trustworthy, taking the risk that some products might not fly (or the youtuber/blogger will offer let the company know they cannot provide a positive review for whatever reason.)

    1. Thank you Icy! I read tons of blogs and watch YouTube on the regular and I completely agree with you. I don't mind sponsored posts if I feel that the blogger genuinely likes the product, and I also understand that blogging is a lot of work and sponsored posts are a way for these people to make a living. If I'm not interested in the product, I just don't read/watch it but I would never think to say something mean to the person...that's just unnecessary!

  13. I love the reviews that you do and hearing snippets of your personal life. It never crossed my mind that you weren't genuine and I honestly think that if you do get products sent to you to try, there is nothing wrong with you sharing your honest opinion. In fact, doesn't it just give you more products to write about and in turn, more products that we can learn about? Haters are seriously gonna hate. You're awesome. Keep doin' what you're doin' 👍

    1. Exactly! Haha...in the beginning I couldn't afford to buy a lot of products to review so I didn't post very often. But once my blog started making money, I just started buying more products with my earnings and then brands started to take notice and send me things which definitely makes it easier! I've posted negative reviews even when something has been sent to me for free...I just make sure I'm tactful and professional about it. :) Thank you so much for the kind words!

  14. Jenna;
    Every blog has haters and trolls. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM. There is always a small percentage of every group that wants to ruin things for the rest of us (which I hate and think is unfair and would like to slap them and give therm a piece of my mind). I have never, EVER felt that you were disingenuous. I have also noticed that you handle the haters very tactfully, which is more than some other bloggers do.
    There are so many beauty bloggers out there and I can follow anyone I want, but there is a reason that you are one of only three bloggers that I regularly, consistently follow! Please, don't let the haters get you down. I look forward to your blog and hope it will continue for many years to come.

    1. Aww thank you Nikole! I'd like to slap them too, haha! I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on so many of my blog posts and it makes me so happy to hear that I'm one of the three you visit regularly. It means so much to me : )

  15. I've been reading your blog for a little over a year and it's one of two blogs I check daily. I think you do a great job here. There's a nice balance of being friendly and professional, your writing and swatches are excellent, and you absolutely come across as genuine. Keep it up!

  16. I love your blog! I don't always comment but I do visit just about every day, often several times a day. And I'm sure there are many like me who adore your blog and appreciate all the time, thought, and effort you put into it.
    There will always be a few people who say mean things either because they are ignorant, thoughtless, jealous, or just plain mean. While such an experience can be unpleasant, it allows us to be thankful that normally we are surrounded by kind, positive, and supportive people. I know it's hard, but try not to let it affect you too much. Life is too short and precious. Better to spend the time on friends, family, and makeup!

    1. Thank you Jinytte! I'm definitely trying to grow a thicker skin and realize that there are more important things in life than worrying about pleasing everyone. I'm so happy to hear that you visit every day...it means so much to me! :)

  17. Please don't let the haters get you down and I hope you don't stop your blog. I hardly ever read blogs (except for yours and 15 Minute Beauty) because both of you ladies are genuine, articulate and not some 20 year old flake who is trying to make herself famous. No matter where you go in life, you will encounter people who are miserable/evil/mentally unstable and these people cannot stand anyone who is happy or tries to do something useful with their lives. When you and your followers ignore these people, you take away their power. Don't let the haters get you down!

    1. Well said Julie! I know miserable people like that in my personal life and you're absolutely right...they're just so unhappy they feel like they have to take others down with them. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words...it means a lot! :)

  18. One of your first reviews I ever read was a little over a year ago, when you reviewed some products that you'd been sent from Rodan and Fields (Redefine and Acute Care-yes I looked it up lol). You gave one of the products a positive review, and said the other one just didn't work for you. Somebody commented that this was proof that you can be trusted, since these products were $$, yet you were still able to give an honest opinion about them. I completely agreed and it made a huge impression on me. I've been following your blog ever since :) You are one of three that I have bookmarked on my phone :) I agree with everybody else, you don't come off as a shill in the least. Keep doing what you're doing!

    1. Oh my gosh, I remember that post! :) I felt terrible giving a negative review especially given the price of the product. I guess it's the way I was raised to always be polite...giving a negative review on a product that was given to me for free feels like getting a birthday gift and telling the person who gave it to me, "I hate this". It just feels wrong! But I have to remember that it's not personal...and I think about how I would feel if one of my readers spent a ton of money on something and then hated it. That would be even worse! Anyway, I'm so happy to hear that it made an impression on you and kept you coming back. It means so much to me :)

  19. To quote one of my favorite singers: Haters gonna hate! I'm sorry you have been made to feel this way. I am a long time lurker and check your blog several times a day. I trust your opinion and have never felt you were dishonest or pushing products on us. I know it's incredibly hard to not let what people say get to you, but you do you! Don't change who you are, what you believe, or how you write for the Negative Nancys. There's more people who love you than don't, I'm sure of it. Thanks for all you do and the time and money you put into it, so readers like me know what's worth it.

  20. OH my gosh, this makes me sad! You have always seemed genuine and upfront in your post IMO. i know cause I disagree with you sometimes! Thank you for being you.

  21. I've been a lint time reader. As a (single) mom myself with two small kids, I found it to be sooooo refreshing and relatable to see a blogger before my eyes who looks just like me, not a fully made-up face that took 2 hours to get ready. I never for a second felt that your reviews were biased in any way, shape or form. If any review was sponsored, you mentioned it right from the start. The (Internet) world is a cruel place where oftentimes weak people build themselves up by tearing other people down. If deep down in your heart you know that you're doing the best you can with this blog, believe it 100%. Always. No matter what. While relying on feedback from fellow readers is necessary to stay relevant, excessive reliance on approval of others can make one to be a slave of public opinion, and therefore vulnerable to negative effects of haters. Keep up the good work, believe in yourself and don't take the haters too seriously.
    Best wishes from fellow beauty junkie,

  22. don't mind the trolls!! I personally have never gotten the feeling that you're disingenuous or dishonest in any way. The items I have purchased due to your reviews have never disappointed me. I admit I do like to read more personal anecdotes in blogs, because I like feeling like I know the person behind the blog. However I don't think it hinders your blog at all. Anyway don't let the haters get you down!

  23. I lOVE your blog-I don't get it; if you have critics/people who don't like it why do they read it? I always thought that u used to work at Sephora, too and u had a lot of great knowledge and wanted to share it with us. I keep this page on my favorite bar bc I love it! :)

  24. Hi Jen; as I said before,you are part of my morning routine... I can't go on with my day without coffee breakfast and checking your blog. I can say that You are the most honest blogger I have ever read and I am so glad I find you! Just don't let haters get into your skin...Your BLOG IS AMAZING! keep it up!!
    Have a wonderful day!

  25. I have never seen anything on your blog that would warrant such comments! Some that I've been reading for years, however, have started making me a little uneasy for this very reason: last month this was the best ever night cream but this month it's this other one, almost like they're trying to hype enough brands hoping one will grab hold and sponsor them or something. It's disturbing. But I've never felt that with you. So sorry you were hurt.

  26. I have to chime in that I love you blog and find it very helpful. If it's any consolation, I don't often post comments because I've been turned off by some of the replies naysayers feels compelled to post, whether towards the blog or blogger, or my comments! Like you, I read your blog (and a few others) and if I post, it's because I enjoy make-up and if I can share something that someone else finds helpful, that's great. There is no other motive. So while I limit my posts because I just don't want to deal. But I hope it doesn't stop your blog from continuing. Thanks!from Christina D.

  27. Has everyone forgotten the old adage "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything'? Negativity reflects poorly on whomever espouses it vs. their target. I just found your blog and am delighted to be exposed to new, affordable makeup. I could care less if you are compensated in any way. Your time is valuable and you provide a service. You deserve free samples, compensation, etc. Please don't spend another moment of thought on the naysayers. Thank you for all of your efforts.

  28. I know this is a few days old post but just wanted to send some love! I read your blog every day and adore it. You provide so many great updates and information that I (and others) are so grateful for. Whoever said you weren't genuine are just annoying, jealous trolls. Please don't let them put a damper your success!! You are beautiful inside and out. Sending love from NYC! -Abby

  29. I suppose it is easy to become disheartened occasionally when you put yourself in the public eye. I don't understand why people must be so mean and nasty when they are online. It's just as easy to be nice and at the end of the day feel nice about perhaps making someone else feel nice. I just don't get it. Anyway please continue to do what you do. I love that when you review a product that you I corporate a full face shot when you can. To me it helps to see said products in action. I look forward to all your wonderful posts. I think your writing side is wonderful as well!! Just like our "friend " G.!!!

  30. I love your blOg and check it a couple of times a day! Keep up the good work and enjoy the kiddo! I left banking too to raise my 2 kiddos and never regretted a moment 😊

  31. Don't let those negative people keep you down! You cant please everybody all the time! Love you blog, your coverage and really appreciate the print format that's easier for me to use than youtube! Thank you!!

  32. *shakes head* what!?!? I hate social media for this very reason and clearly I missed something! I haven't read all the previous comments yet but wanted to give my quick .02...for whatever its worth :)
    Don't let the jealous cowardly hater trolls get you down. Ever. You are one of the VERY few beauty blogs I subscribe to (like, 3 total), because you are real, genuine and honest. I love that you do both DS and higher end stuff. I've never, not once, felt the way they apparently do. That's ridiculous. Pffft. Don't change a thing and know you have FAR more who love you than don't, even if some of us can't post regularly to say that. I love reading your posts, like I said, I reserve my time for the beauty blogs that are worth it, and you are one of them. Keep up the great job and if some don't like it, that's on them, not you. Cheap shots like that are easy hiding behind a computer!

  33. Please just ignore that negativity!! I love your posts and truly look forward to them. I don't ever assume bad intentions. You're one of the few bloggers I follow that I never question and I truly value your opinion! Keep up the fabulous work. And by the way, I love the personal information. I'm not just here for the makeup!

  34. All of these comments pretty much express it all, how I feel too. I rely on your blog for news and information about drugstore products! Reviews included! I love when you have a new post, I always look forward to it. Normally I add my comments, and I'm sorry that I haven't much lately (I like to show my appreciation), but I have a new babe now and I'm lucky if she lets me read, but typing is not happening haha. (As I type this, I'm going back and forth between my laptop and sticking a soothie in her mouth ;) ). But I devoutly read all your posts, and wanted to tell ya that your blog is really great! You obviously work very hard, and you sure seem geniune to me! I'm so sorry a few naysayers made you feel so crummy!! :( Gotta love the internet. When I started reading, I thought you were going to say that you have to stop blogging because of all the time and effort it takes, and I was going to be so dissappointed. Phew!! :D :D

  35. Kinda late to the train, but I am a lurker/follower of your blog. Please believe me when I say that you do a GREAT SERVICE to many of us who need a place to get news and resources on budget beauty! I appreciate all the hard work you put into this blog. As a broke college student it has allowed me to purchase many nice things for myself without breaking the bank. So Thank You! The vast majority of us really are thankful and supportive of what you do! Please continue with your work!

  36. Omg!! This post made me feel so sad because I love your blog!!! Honestly yours and one other blog are the only ones that I follow because a lot of blogs I tried to get into were more about just posting makeup sales which is helpful, but I care about REVIEWS so that I can know if I should invest my money into a product or not! I love your blog because of the honest and detailed product reviews. The other main reason I love your blog is because it concentrates mainly on drugstore products! I can't afford to buy $30 mascaras from Sephora, lol! Don't listen to the trolls, I love your blog!

  37. It's hard not to let words hurt, but it's so evident here (and in most cases) that the good outweighs the bad. I've been reading and following for a long time and I've never once thought you were being anything other than completely honest. You helped me realize that I wasn't the only makeup lover in the world. No one else I know gets as excited as I do over new products. You get me and I love that. I've discovered so many great products through this blog and it just ignited my love and passion for makeup. Keep your head up and keep on keepin' on! <3


I love getting comments from you and hearing about your experiences with the products, whether you agree with me or not. It's the best way other readers can get the best information before they buy, so keep the comments coming! :)

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