You have GOT to See This China Glaze Spray-On Nail Polish!

Photo: Cosmopolitan
I'm a total DIY'er when it comes to my nails. I think the last time I visited a nail salon was for my wedding which was almost five years ago. I like to think I've gotten pretty good at it after 20+ years of doing it myself but it's just a pain in the neck...the streaks, the uneven application, the edges of my nails that stay bare because I'm trying not to get it all over my skin (but I always do anyway) it just takes a while if I'm being careful and doing it right.

Enter China Glaze Coloured Nail Spray, which is coming to Ulta next month. It looks to be the answer to my nail polishing woes...just paint on a base coat, spray your nails with an even coat of the spray paint-like nail polish, let it dry, then apply your topcoat to seal it in. 
When you're done, wash your hands with soap and water and it all comes off your skin, leaving you with perfect brush strokes, no uneven globs, no paint on your cuticles! 

You have to see this quick 42 second video, it's so cool, I'm like mesmerized by this whole process!

Or, check out this video of Cosmo's Beauty Editor putting it to the test (it's a longer video, about 5 min).

It's only going to come in four colors for now, but I'm sure they'll launch more once it catches on. What do you think of this concept? Would you try it? 


  1. If the price was right, I think I'd give it a go. However, I would be worried about the mess!xx

    Laura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle

    1. Yeah I'm guessing you'd really have to do it over the sink where you could just wash the overspray away easily.

  2. I'm so horrible at painting my nails, this stuff might be for me! The mess would probably no different than what I already end up with haha!

    1. Hahaha I know the feeling. I'm such a klutz always knocking bottles over and dripping it. I have to be so careful not to get it on our off-white rugs...yikes!

  3. This looks like such a good idea, I expected it to take more effort to wash off your skin somehow!

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

    1. So did I! It's kind of amazing how it sticks to your nails but not your skin. It looks like it comes off easily! :)

  4. Holy crap! I need this after watching the videos. Damn that's cool.

  5. This looks rad. And a bit messy but I'm willing to try it anyway.

    1. Yeah, I figure I can just do it over the sink. It looks like such a timesaver! :)

  6. I need to try this it looks great!

    1. I can't wait! I just wish it came in more colors. :/

  7. Replies
    1. I'm not sure...they didn't mention it in the videos. I'm guessing it was a normal amount of time, especially with a topcoat.

  8. Seems handy but wasteful. Why can't a brush on formula be created that washes off skin? I've wondered that for years!

    1. Oh my gosh, yes!! They need to invent that next. :)

  9. Wow! That's the best thing since sliced bread. Gotta get my hands on this one.

  10. OMG that cosmo vid was annoying lol. It is SO Much fun to watch someone paint their nails. LOL ;) That certainly should have been sped up. And the music was something awful. But this stuff looks neat!

  11. Hahahaa I know, it's pretty painful to watch the whole way through. :) That's why I figured I better include a quick one too in case readers didn't want to sit through it. I just put it on here because it's a more unbiased video from someone who doesn't work for the company and it's not edited so you can see every step of the process. But I agree...the music is annoying and just bad, lol.

  12. Very interesting! I'd probably try it if/when it comes in other colors. Finally, an excuse to make a mess LOL

  13. This looks like it would be amazing in a rush.


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