L'oreal Voluminous Butterfly Sculpt Mascara Review

loreal voluminous butterfly sculpt mascara
I am such a klutz when it comes to tightlining my eyes...for some reason I can't get them to stop watering when I get really close with an eyeliner. It's so weird, especially since I wear contacts and am totally comfortable touching my eyeballs on a daily basis! But as soon as that pencil touches my inner lash line, the tears start coming. I'll never understand... 

So when I saw the new L'oreal Voluminous Butterfly Sculpt mascara at Target that promises to create a tightline effect, I put it right into my shopping basket. I had good luck with IT Cosmetics Tightline mascara...I know the reviews are hit or miss on that one, but it actually worked well for me (see my review here). Even though the brush on this one is completely different than Tightline, I was hoping it could possibly be a dupe and maybe save me a few bucks. Let's take a closer look! 

loreal voluminous butterfly sculpt mascara review
Description: Get 3 sculpting effects in 1 for deeper, darker, fuller lashes. Exclusive Sculpting Wing Tip Brush technology: inner bristles fill in lash line for a no gap tightline effect, brush reservoir loads entire lash with maximum volume, outer bristles fan out lash corners to the extreme.

Price/Where to Buy: $8.99 at drugstores (I found mine at Target)

Quick Verdict: It's a miss for me. 


L'oreal Voluminous Butterfly Sculpt has one of the funkiest mascara wands I've ever seen. There are bristles on only one side and the other side is totally smooth. 
loreal voluminous butterfly sculpt mascara wand

The section of the brush that has bristles looks kind of like a zipper to me...there are longer bristles along the sides and one row of short, stumpy bristles down the center. They start close together at the top and then open up as you go down the brush (hence the zipper effect).

When you apply this, you're supposed to put the brush up against your lash line and those tiny little bristles in the center get right up against the roots of your lashes to deposit mascara between your lashes for that tightlining effect. Then as you comb the brush up and out, the longer bristles are supposed to separate and fan out the lashes.
loreal voluminous butterfly sculpt mascara wand
Those little tiny bristles actually do their job well and deposited a lot of product at the roots of my lashes...but maybe a little too much. In my before and afters below, you can see that this product definitely darkened in-between my lashes to create the effect of wearing black eyeliner, but the formula is extremely wet and the brush holds way too much product. This made my lashes clump together, and the more I tried to comb them out, the more product the brush added, making the problem worse. 

On top of that, I had raccoon eyes within a few hours of applying, which is the biggest deal-breaker for me (I didn't get the waterproof formula so maybe that fares a bit better). 

Overall, I think I'll stick with IT Cosmetics Tightline, which has a teeny tiny brush that gets into the base of your lashes without loading the rest of your lashes with too much product. While this one does create the tightline effect, it does so at the expense of depositing way too much mascara on your lashes, making them clumpy and feeling weighted down. 

Have you tried this one yet? I'd love to hear what you think!


  1. You just saved me some $. I was wondering about this and I had a feeling it would be a super wet formula. The other butterfly ones are too and I wasn't a fan. The tightline aspect is cool but that's about it.

  2. have you tried wiping away some product on the mascara wand first?

    1. Yup, that's my usual solution when things get clumpy, lol. :) But when you wipe the brush, it takes away the tightline effect. That channel in the middle of the brush has to have product in it in order for it to deposit enough product at the lashline. :(

  3. It would have been so awesome if it would have worked . I love the effect of tight lining but it's too scary for me to actually do it.
    I was wondering , have you declared the winners of your February contests ?

    1. Agreed! :) Yes each contest winner was announced in the widget where you entered each contest.

  4. And this is another reminder that I should wait for reviews before buying something. I had purchased this before your review. Tightlining is a skill I have not been able to master. So, I thought I'd try this out. I could not get the tightline part to work for me (I ended up with mascara on my contact lens) and it's clump city. It looked so bad I ended up washing my face and doing my makeup all over again (with a different mascara).

    1. Oh no, that's too bad! The same thing actually happened to me too...the first time using this I got some on my contact and had to take it out and clean it off. Its a really messy formula!

  5. Your eyeliner makes it hard to see your lashes in the before photo.

    1. Oh, sorry about that! I usually don't wear any eye makeup when taking mascara photos for that very reason but I was in a hurry to get this review done and just took the photos when I had a quick second. I was thinking I should probably retake these anyway since you would also be able to see the "tightline" effect better without eyeliner in the way. Thanks for the feedback! :)

    2. Oh no worries! I hope I wasn't too blunt. I didn't know how else to say it. Thanks for your review. I enjoy your blog. :)

    3. No not at all, haha. Thanks so much, I love hearing that! :)

    4. I just updated my photos so I hope they're easier to see!

    5. Yes! Your photos look great, thanks! Again, I'm sorry for being so blunt. Can I blame my cold medicine? It's making me a bit, well, not myself. I do love your blog, so thanks for all you do. :)

    6. Aww, no worries at all, thank you for reading my blog!:) I always want to make sure I'm getting things right so if there's ever something that's not clear or you have questions on, don't hesitate to say something.

    7. Awesome, thanks! You're doing great and this is one of my must-read blogs. I usually wait for your reviews before I buy products. :D

    8. Agreed, same here! However I got this before checking here, oh well. I tend to like wetter mascaras so we'll see. IT's tightline mascara didn't work for me sadly, even the wp one pulled out my curl and clumped so I was sad. I'd love to find one of these that actually works *sigh*

    9. I hope it works for you Steffy! If you like wetter formulas you might really like it!

  6. SO, I don't usually comment on these type of things or review in general, but since I have a lot of experience with makeup, I think it's time to share some secrets and fav brands/products, etc., LOL Ok so on to the mascara ... I'm reviewing the L'Oreal Waterproof Blackest Black/Noir Butterfly Sculpt Mascara. First, I think I can truthfully say that I have tried a zillion Mascara's in my lifetime. Ex: However, since I'm always on the search for the latest greatest products, a friend highly suggested I try Lorac Pro Mascara and that it was worth the $32 freaking dollars. Umm, NO I returned it the next day because it just plain sucked AND for $32, REALLY?! Anyway, Back to reviewing the L'Oreal Waterproof Blackest Black/Noir Butterfly Sculpt Mascara. The day I returned the Lorac, I decided since I had a $2 off any L'Oreal product coupon I would try this mascara. WELL, I would have paid $32 for this one bc it blows all mascaras I've tried out of the water ... Seriously! I mean normally Waterproof's tends to flake off under my bottom lashes, but not this, even after 18 hours it actually still looked good - shocking!!! Waterproof also tends to clump my lashes and make them super brittle, but again not the case here. In terms of mascara in general (even dept store brands) I have always used L'Oreal, but THIS mascara itself is just all around just better. Now, I believe the BRUSH is the real innovation. If you use it exactly as the simple instructions tell you on the box then you will actually get the "fan-ish" effect as advertised. Therefore, in total this is all around the best everyday mascara EVER and I recommend 100%! Final note: the other 2 you might wanna try are the L'Oreal Miss Manga Rock and the Miss Mange Voluminous. I rotate the three, but I do use the Butterfly most. The results are quite different so you might wanna save those others for going out (Especially the "Rock".) I hope this review was at least helpful ... rock it out sistas! =)

    1. Thanks Violet! :) I've tried the Miss Mangas and they were good...but I really liked the Voluminous Butterfly Intenza! I felt like that gave me the "fanned out effect" that it claimed to. I try to test just about every mascara that hits the market if I can, but for some reason I just can't make this one work. I think part of the reason I didn't like it is because the formula is SO wet and I tend to like drier formulas. I like to build up multiple coats and I find that wetter formulas can get clumpy really fast while I can build up a drier formula as much as I want without my lashes all sticking together. It all depends on what people are looking for...I know a lot of people who like wet formulas so they might really like this one. It all comes down to personal preference, I guess. By the way, I completely agree with you on the Lorac Pro mascara...I wasn't a fan of that one (or the one with fibers in it)! I think that there are so many good drugstore mascaras, I rarely feel the need to splurge on the higher-end ones. :)

  7. I tried this and the butterfly intenza, and I actually like sculpt better. That may be because I tend to sleep in my mascara, and the intenza is stiff enough to pull out lashes/stay on for two days even when washing. I don't normally sweat or get oily so I never had raccoon eyes with either.

    I also trouble with the tight line effect- in my case I ended up with little spots by my lashes like I had messed up with my mascara. Maybe I need more practice lol. But I did like it because it deposits a lot of mascara in one swipe- my lashes take forever to build a thick coat with drier mascaras. To me, it's pretty comparable to miss manga rock, but does a better job of separating the lashes( but then, miss manga rock is sort of intended to clump lashes together). So it's more convenient than miss manga for me. So I'm pretty happy with it, even though I had trouble with the tight line. Also, I've lately tried loreal Paris superstar mascara lately, which is great if you haven't tried it. The regular miss manga is pretty good too, but not as buildable.

  8. I just bought this and I really wish I'd read reviews first because I'm having your exact problems, especially with the ridiculous brush. I don't mind wetter formulas but they need a fine brush to work and this one just makes a mess even after cleaning it off... I might try sticking a different brush in it.


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