Sunday Spa Day With Tree Hut

A few weeks ago, I mentioned how much I love Tree Hut body scrubs in one of my posts and the people over at Tree Hut saw my post and asked if I'd like to try some more of their products! Of course I said yes, and they sent me a very generous package in the mail full of bath and body products. I've been using them over the past two weeks and I wanted to share my thoughts on them with you guys today. So let's take a look! 

During the week, showers are really rushed for me, so I basically just lather up quickly and go. But Sundays are what I refer to as "spa" days because my husband is home to watch our 2 year old son. This means I can take an extra long shower using all of the products I don't have time to use during the week!

Since yesterday was Sunday, I ended up using every product that I'm going to talk about in this post all at the same time, starting with the Tree Hut Shea Moisturizing Body Wash ($5.99 at Ulta). This is my first time using a Tree Hut body wash and it is pure luxury! It's thick and rich and contains shea butter, glycerin and brazil nut seed oil. It creates tons of plush foamy bubbles (even without a shower pouf or washcloth) and has a deliciously sweet almond and honey scent. It leaves my skin feeling hydrated and soft with no tightness afterwards.

Tree Hut Shea Moisturizing Body Wash
Tree Hut Shea Moisturizing Body Wash
Next, I used the Brazil Nut Oatmeal Scrub for Sensitive Skin ($6.99 at on my face. During the week, I sometimes use this all over my body for a quick light exfoliation...the fact that it's packaged in a tube with a flip top cap makes using it quick and easy. This scrub is super gentle and creamy and contains Oat Kernel Protein, Coconut Oil, Aloe, Shea Butter, and Walnut Shell Powder to gently remove dead skin cells. Again, the scent is pure's mild but sweet and reminds me of oatmeal, milk and honey.
Tree Hut Oatmeal Scrub for Sensitive Skin
Tree Hut Oatmeal Scrub for Sensitive Skin

Tree Hut Oatmeal Scrub for Sensitive Skin review
Tree Hut Oatmeal Scrub for Sensitive Skin

On the weekends when I have a little more time, I love to use the Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub ($7.49 at Ulta). This has been my holy grail scrub for years and years and it has an almost 5 star rating on Ulta's website. It's easy to see why...this scrub is thick and rich and doesn't crumble when you spread it on your skin like some scrubs do. Also, the sugar grains take a while to dissolve so you get a very deep scrub that takes off all of your rough, dead skin and yet it doesn't feel too abrasive. Afterwards, it rinses clean without an oily residue on your skin like some scrubs can're just left with smooth soft glowing skin. It comes in at least 8 different scents (on the Ulta website) that are all delicious...I've tried most of them over the years. This particular scent, Original Shea is warm, sweet and nutty and one of my favorites, but I also love the Brazilian Nut and Hawaiian Kukui ones!
This scrub is just as effective as any high-end scrub that costs many times what this does and it comes in a generous 18 oz. tub.
Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub review
Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub

Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub
Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub

Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub
Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub
After my shower, there's nothing better than Tree Hut's Shea Body Butter ($7.49 at Ulta). It's thick, rich and creamy and my dry skin just drinks it right up. It contains Shea Butter, Cocoa Seed Butter, Glycerin and Safflower Seed Oil to moisturize and keep your skin feeling hydrated all day. The Brazilian Nut scent is probably my smells just like toasted brown sugar and it's completely mouth-watering.
Tree Hut Shea Body Butter

Tree Hut Shea Body Butter

Tree Hut Shea Body Butter
Finally, I finish my routine with a dollop of the Moisturizing Hand Cream in Coconut Lime ($5.99 at This hand cream is lightweight yet super effective and it sinks right in with no greasy feel. The coconut lime scent is so refreshing...the citrus notes perfectly balance the sweetness of the coconut.
Tree Hut Moisturizing Hand Cream review
Tree Hut Moisturizing Hand Cream

Tree Hut Moisturizing Hand Cream
Overall, if you haven't tried Tree Hut yet, I highly recommend all of their products! They're all paraben free and spa quality at incredible prices. I usually buy all of my Tree Hut products locally at Bed, Bath and Beyond or Walmart, but if you're not able to find them near you, you can get them online at the links I provided in this post. For more information and to see the full range of products, please visit

**Disclosure- The products mentioned in this post were provided to me for review by a brand or PR agency but all opinions are my own. I was not paid to write this review.**


  1. It's okay if guys use this too, right? :)

  2. OMG, I'm craving decadent treats made with coconut, almond, and honey after reading your post LOL! I've passed these by so many times at Ulta, thinking they were low quality, but these sound perfect for winter skin. And I'm amazed by the high quality ingredients at such a great price. Will definitely try some at next Ulta sale or if I see a value kit. (Katherine T.)

    1. Yes!! I was the same way, I never thought to try them, I always used Bath & Body works in the past. But I feel like these are better for my dry skin...the level of good ingredients is much higher and the scents are just soo decadent. My sister actually turned me on to this brand years ago and I've been using it ever since! :)

  3. I read this post at work yesterday (yes I read your blog when I'm supposed to be working, LOL) and I decided to stop by Bed Bath on my way home and get one of the scrubs to try first since you said it's your HG product. I ended up getting the Brazilian Nut scent based on your description and went straight home to get into a nice warm bath. I want to thank you for introducing me to this brand!!! The scent was so delicious I wanted to eat it- truly "mouth watering" like you said. It's like a burnt sugar/creme brulee kind of scent. I'm going back tonight to get the body butter and body wash if they have it. I have always passed this brand by like the person said above because I thought it was cheap and therefore no good. But this blows BBW products out of the water. This scrub is just as good as Fresh's Brown Sugar scrub and that stuff is like $60. Thank you!!

  4. I'm always smelling this stuff at Walmart... the Almond & Honey one smells soooooo good, I just haven't ever gotten it... I wish they'd make a body spray in each scent to go along with the rest. I love scrubs too, I love to shave with them (sounds weird but somebody told me about that years ago.)

  5. Glad to see someone talk about Tree Hut's Shea Body Butter. It's fantastic for my very dry, sensitive skin. Don't worry, Tim, I'm a guy too! No shame in using these products.

  6. My daughter did try this and she loved it, Thank you :) just a question, can Male readers of your blog can try this? :D (hope there is no side effect of this)

  7. Thank you for sharing your journey, then and now!

  8. I don't know why but I am in love with Brazil Nut Oatmeal Scrub for Sensitive Skin. It suits my skin most. A perfect product for sensitive skins.


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