Grace & Stella Luxurious Foot Peeling Mask Review + Discount!

I have tried a lot of foot smoothing products in my life, including scrubs, lotions with chemical exfoliants such as AHA's, and callus removing devices, but when I was offered the chance to try and review Illinois-based company Grace & Stella's Luxurious Foot Peeling Mask, nothing could have prepared me for the results...I don't say this often but this product is life-changing!
For the past two years, I've been a stay-at-home Mom and as a result, my feet have been destroyed from wearing sandals and flip flops half the year and going barefoot around the house year round. At first, they just looked dry and cracked, but over time they developed these thick calluses that nothing would get rid of. The calluses themselves would crack and turn was gross! I was embarrassed to take my shoes off anywhere for fear someone would see them. I tried scrubbing them with the harshest scrubs I could find, slathered them with foot masks and peels at night, and used countless electric foot filing devices, and while they all helped them to look a little bit better, my feet never looked perfect. There was always that hardened layer on my heels and bottom of my foot that just wouldn't go away. 
Enter Grace & Stella's Luxurious Foot Peeling Mask ($32.95). This product completely removed every trace of hardened, dry, cracked skin in about a week, leaving me with a brand new pair of feet (or at least it feels that way). Keep reading to get a coupon code that brings the price down to $5 for Budget Beauty Blog readers! 

The instructions are pretty simple, but you just need some time to complete the least an hour and a half or so. I used mine last week while my son was taking a nap. It works best if you soak your feet in warm water first, so I soaked mine in the tub for 15 minutes.

The peel comes in the form of plastic booties that you wear, and they come in a little foil pouch.

When you open them up, they are completely sealed and need to be cut open on the top. The inside is covered in the solution which contains 17 high quality vegetable and leaf extracts from Japan and Korea, plus lactic acid, glycolic acid, and alcohol which will ultimately dry out the skin and help it to shed. It sounds a little scary but it's really not at all.  Once the booties are cut open, you get hit with an astringent smell so I was a little nervous that it might burn or tingle, but it didn't do either just felt sort of cooling. After putting them on, you just use the tape strips that are included with the kit to keep them closed...I just sort of folded the tops over and taped them closed. Grace & Stella recommends covering the booties with socks, and then sit and relax for an hour, trying not to get up if you don't have to (due to the fact that you might slip and fall).

Here's what it looks like before putting your socks on.

I didn't take a before photo because I was way too embarrassed about how my feet looked. But this photo below is exactly what they looked like...that thick, cracked, yellowed skin. Yup...totally gross. It was on my heels, as shown in the photo, as well as on the balls of my feet. 

**WARNING** if seeing photos of peeling skin grosses you out, just skip over the next two photos. 

Once I removed the booties, I washed my feet with soap and water and dried them off. They didn't look any redness or signs of irritation. For the next week, I wasn't able to wear any moisturizers on my feet, per the instructions, so I just left them alone to dry out.

After a few days, I was starting to think that this mask wasn't working. My feet didn't look any drier than usual...nothing was happening. But then, on day 5...they started peeling! You can see in this photo how the skin underneath is super smooth while the skin surrounding it looks rougher. As the dead skin on top peels off, the skin underneath feels like a newborn baby's...seriously! The whole process took a few days, and I made sure to cover my feet when I went out so that I didn't get strange looks. Also, I wore socks to bed to prevent the skin from coming off in my sheets.

My skin continued to shed, especially after a shower...I found that if I rubbed my towel on them while they were still a little bit damp, the skin would come off faster. The whole process was totally painless!
Now a week later, this is what my feet look like! A far cry from that before photo above (which isn't me, but mine looked exactly like that).

Overall, this is one of the few products out there that actually does exactly what it claims to do, and I have brand new feet to prove it! Grace and Stella have generously offered to give my readers a huge discount to try the Foot Peeling Mask for only $5  (it's regularly $32.95 on their website, In all honesty, this mask is so good, I would gladly pay full price for it, especially since I would only need to use this every 6 months or so (as long as I keep up with moisturizing and exfoliating in between so my feet don't get that bad ever again). 

Here's the link for the discount...and just FYI, it may have outdated information from the original launch because it originally says you're getting it for $1, but once you get your code and checkout on Amazon, it's $5, so just be aware of that. 
If you get it, please come back and tell me how it worked for you! I'd love to hear about your experience with it. :) 


  1. Seems to be only $12.95 on Amazon, but I'll give it a try for $5!

    1. Hi Rachel, I just saw that they put it on sale on Amazon (it shows the regular price is $32.95). Let me know what you think! My results totally blew me away! :)

  2. Got it! This is EXACTLY what I need right now, thank you so much!

    1. Yay! You'll have to let me know how you like it! :)

  3. Is this similar to 'Baby foot'?

    1. I haven't tried Baby Foot but based on the descriptions I've seen, yes. :)

  4. Wow, you look like you have new, baby skin feet! Amazing! (Katherine T.)

    1. It really is! I've never used anything that worked this well. :)

  5. I just went to Amazon after getting the promotional code emailed and Amazon says the code is not valid. I am not getting the $1 price but $9.95?

    1. I just tried it and got the code 5ONLY555, clicked through the link in the email (you may have to do that vs. going directly to Amazon) then I put the code in at checkout and it worked. The $9.95 is the sale price of the foot mask right now without using the code. I hope that helps! :)

  6. I got the same results after using Skin Republic Foot Peel, i think the price was around $9.
    Only problem I had was dealing with peeling skin while trying to enjoy summer wearing flip-flops..

    1. I've never tried that one, but yeah I had the same problem! It's probably better to do it in the fall or in the Spring before it gets warm. Last week was super hot and I had to choose between wearing flip flops and everyone seeing my peeling feet, or wearing shoes, haha.

  7. I've done one of these before and it worked wonders. I definitely want to do it again and for this price, you can't beat it!

  8. I went to Amazon through the link and Amazon says the code is not valid. :(


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