If you love magazines, you need this app now!

I am crazy about magazines. Just ask my former co-workers who used to make fun of the leaning tower of CosmoGlamourLuckySelf on the back corner of my desk, or my husband who was constantly looking at the piles on the coffee table and asking me,"are you done reading these? Can I throw them out?" 
I had a few subscriptions, but mostly bought them on the newsstand- talk about expensive! Plus it's a giant waste of paper. So when my husband surprised me with the Samsung Galaxy tablet I had been wanting, I figured I'd save paper and money by getting some online subscriptions. Not to mention the convenience factor since I have a new baby. That's when I stumbled upon the NextIssue app.

Better than paying for individual subscriptions, this app gives you over 90 magazines for $10 a month! Yup...pretty amazing huh? 
I did the 30 day free trial and was hooked! It sends you an email when each new issue comes out, or you can just open the app and it's there! 
Right now, I'm getting Cosmo, Glamour, Lucky, Allure, InStyle, Marie Claire, People Style Watch, Vogue, Elle, Fitness, Self, and Health. Plus my husband got some of his car and science-nerd magazines to read. 
Also, you have access to all the back issues of each magazine too! For example, look below at People Style Watch- 

To find out more, or to sign up, go to nextissue.com.  I promise you'll never go buy magazines again!

1 comment

  1. WHY have I not heard of this app? I have an Allure and InStyle tablet subscription and this is so much cheaper! I signed up for the 30 day trial so we'll see how it goes!


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