Yes To Carrots Color Balm Soft Plum is a Clinique Black Honey Dupe!

A few weeks ago, I reviewed the new Yes To Carrots Color Balm in Rosy Bloom, and one of my awesome readers, Alysssa, mentioned that the soft plum color could pass for a Clinique Black Honey dupe.  The problem was, everyone else apparently loves Soft Plum too, because it was sold out at my local Walgreens! I've been checking back every couple of days, but it hasn't come back in stock.
Then last night, I was passing through another town and spotted a Walgreens, and because I've been obsessed with finding this color, I had to stop and see if they had it.  They did!  

The formula is the same awesome, unscented, super moisturizing, lip softening balm as the one I previously reviewed, the only difference is the color.  

You can see from the picture that the lip balm itself looks really dark.  Just like Black Honey, it looks dark, but goes on really sheer and beautiful. 

Here are my before and afters: 



Overall, I think this color definitely rivals Black Honey, at least on me.  I also can't even describe how wonderful this feels on my lips.  It's so lightweight, not greasy or sticky.  It feels like silk, is super moisturizing, and just sort of sinks right in rather than sitting on top of the lips.  It's totally worth the $5.99, no question.


  1. This color looks gorgeous! I'm going to see if my Walgreens has it tomorrow.

  2. Yay im so glad you found it! Im really enjoying this one

  3. Thanks for the suggestion AlyssA, I love it!! :)

  4. This is amazing. I spent 3 hours reading your blog the other joke. I am a beauty advisor at Walgreens and I am always wanting to find out about the newest and best products but I am not always able to try them so finding this blog was wonderful. I actually went right out and bought this yes to carrots and I love it. It's a great buy.

  5. Shannon, thank you so much, I really appreciate it! :) I love Walgreens by the way. There's one right next to my job and I'm there every day.


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