Palmers Cocoa Butter Gentle Daily Cleanser Review

Part 2 of my Palmers Skincare Haul  is a review of their Gentle Daily Cleanser.  I've been using this for a few weeks, and so far, I like it!  More details coming below, but first, some shots of the packaging.  

I like that this is in a tube, because it's neater, but one of my biggest complaints with this product is that it's soooo thick, I have to squeeze the tube as hard as I can to get the cleanser to come out. 

This cleanser has the thickness of body butter, and it comes out in one solid piece, rather than being liquidy like other cleansers.  So the best way I've learned to use this, is to rub it between my palms to liquify it before using it on my face. 

Here's what it looks like on my hand spread out a little bit- you can really see how thick this stuff is! 

Once you add water to it, this cleanser foams a little bit, but not too much.  Since I have dry skin, I like creamier cleansers, since foam strips too much oil and dries my skin out more.  I find that once I apply it to my face, if I add a little more water to it while massaging it in, it foams a little more and is easier to work with.  Below is what it looks like when you add water to it:  

This cleanser is really gentle, yet it still seems to get my skin very clean.  It removes makeup easily, and afterwards my skin looks brighter and clearer.  One thing that surprised me about this cleanser is that my cheeks felt a little tight after using it.  I wasn't expecting that because it has so many moisturizing ingredients.  It could be due to the fact that I have super dry skin and it's the dead of winter, but I'm not really sure. 

 Another thing I wasn't crazy about, aside from not being able to get it out of the tube easily, is the smell.  Like the eye cream I reviewed yesterday, it says it has a White Lily smell, but it's mixed with the scent of cocoa, which makes for an odd pairing.  

Overall, I'm really liking this cleanser, and I think it was worth the $7.99.  Palmer's skincare is pretty hard to find, but you can get it at Harmon's (I got mine at the Harmon's inside my local Bed Bath and Beyond).  

To see more reviews of this product, check out Makeup Alley. 

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