Garnier Ultra Lift 2-in-1 Wrinkle Reducer Serum + Moisturizer Review

I already love Garnier skincare products, but this one took my love to a whole new level.   It's a serum and moisturizer in one which is great, because it saves you from buying and using two different products. This cost around $16 at Walgreens, which isn't so bad at all, especially since it's a 2-in-1.
 Here's the ingredients panel and some box photos:

You may not be able see it very well in the photo, but the serum and moisturizer are swirled together in the tube, and when you press the pump down, they mix together.

Here's what one pump looks like.  It's luxurious and balm-like, instead of a thinner texture like a lotion. 

 Here, I spread the product out a bit so you can see the texture a little better.  It's extremely soft and velvety, and even though it's pretty thick, it doesn't feel heavy at all and soaks right into the skin.  It also smells lovely- very light and fresh.  
To test it out, I used it all over my face a few nights ago, but first, I took a picture of the wrinkles on my forehead to see what they would look like after the product was applied.  I wanted to see what kind of results happened right away.  So here's my before forehead wrinkles: 

And this is what they looked like immediately after applying the Ultra Lift 2-in-1: 

So right away, it plumped up the skin and reduced the wrinkles by quite a bit! But then the next morning,when I woke up, this is what I saw: 

I could barely make out where my wrinkles were- they were pretty much gone!  Now before you think this is a miracle product, I have to say that this effect was only temporary.  After I washed my face in the shower and the product was gone from my skin, it looked pretty much like it did the night before.  But, I've been using it for about a week now, and my wrinkles have definitely softened a bit.  
So will it actually get rid of wrinkles for good?  I'll just have to wait for that- the minimum you have to wait before you can expect to see any real results from a skin care product is about 4 weeks.  I'll post an update then with photos, so we can see if it actually reduced the wrinkles permanently.  

Even if it doesn't reduce my wrinkles on a long term basis, I'm still extremely happy with this product.  As long as I'm wearing it, my skin looks smooth, firm and wrinkle free! 
Has anyone tried this?  I'm excited to see if other people had the same experience as me! 


  1. Holy crap- I'm getting this!!!!

  2. Soooo amazing! I love Garnier! I use all of their skincare products and will most definitely be getting this one when I need a refill. Thanks for reviewing!

  3. Honestly, people want something that can erase their wrinkles forever, but there's nothing out there that can actually do that- products can only help to minimize them temporarily. This one seems to do that really well! I'm going to buy this the next time I need a moisturizer.

  4. Definitely want to check this one out! I've been looking for a new moisturizer for my dry skin and I love Garnier's moisture renew face wash.

  5. Amber Joy, if you have dry skin, you'll love it! My skin is really dry, and this is very moisturizing and velvety, yet not greasy at all. It soaks right in.

  6. Sorry, but your photos are obviously retouched and I find that sad, since you're posing as a normal consumer and this is dishonest. It is clear in the second and third photos that you used the blur and the stamp tool over the deeper wrinkles, and the lighting is different too. Suddenly there's no pores in your problem spots either...Hmm.
    Why would you do this? What have you to gain? Bogus Review. :(

  7. Anonymous, thank you for your feedback. I really want to address your comments above. I purchased this product with my own money, so I truly have nothing to gain by retouching photos- this was not a paid review. I want to stress that the photos have absolutely not been retouched. The lighting is different because they were taken in different rooms. If you click on the photo and look closely, you'll see baby hairs at my hairline, some pores (but the product does minimize them) and a freckle on my forehead, which is still there. A blur tool would erase those. If there is any photo I would NOT want to retouch, it would be photos in a skincare review, because it's very important to show bare skin with no makeup to accurately gauge the results. I take my reviews very seriously, and would never mislead my readers like that.

  8. Anonymous, I'm a huge fan of the BB Blog, I would like to add that if Jenna wanted to airbrush photos, I think she would have edited any fine lines or wrinkles out of other photos too. I'm not knocking the photos on the site, (so don't take this the wrong way Jenna!), but they don't look professional or edited, and I think that's the way they're intended- to be like an everyday person's experience. That's just my humble opinion.

  9. It sounds like I have a new product to try! Thank you for your convenient skin care reviews.

  10. Hi there,

    should we expect any new posting on the outcome of this product 4 weeks after? I'm exited to see what the results are.

  11. Hi anonymous, I posted a follow up at the end of January on the 31st. I can't link to it here but if you search Guarnieri or go back to January's posts you'll see it. :)

  12. Seems to be a good product! Ladies out there you all can give it a try!

  13. This post is lil bit old but still its very helpful and i'm glad i found this,you should write more about this actually i was looking for more in your rest of the posts but didnt find anything..will come again for any updates

  14. Thanks for sharing the details through your blog. Very helpful

  15. Thanks for the review . I can try it the next time

  16. Hi I'm a woman of color. I don't have fine wrinkles as of yet. I'm a big fan of moisturizers and would luv 2 try this product! Only because of Jennas pics I'm interested. And if it could avoid upcoming wrinkles while moisturizing...then count me in!

  17. I've almost 60 years old and have been using this product since it came out. I am a tried and true Garnier face product user. I have a fair complexion and lot of sun damage from years of not having the luxury of sunscreen. I love, love, love Skin Renew with SPF 28. Also been using other products since inception and find Skin Renew Anti-Wrinkle Eye Roller gives the same results as Ultra-Lift 2-in-1. Hooked on Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller too. They feel so soothing to the tender eye tissue. Ready to try their BB Cream next.

  18. I think you spend numerous effort and time updating your blog. I have bookmarked it and I am taking a look ahead to reading new articles.


I love getting comments from you and hearing about your experiences with the products, whether you agree with me or not. It's the best way other readers can get the best information before they buy, so keep the comments coming! :)

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