The Balm Skincare Now at Target

Thanks so much to reader Ashley for the heads up on this one...The Balm Skincare is now at!  I have so many makeup items from The Balm that I love but have never tried their skincare. I was actually planning on picking up a few things to try but then it disappeared from their website a few months ago and I assumed it had been discontinued.

I saw this post on an Australian blog that their Target stores have started carrying the full line of The Balm and Sleek makeup as of this past December, so I can only hope that we're next!! 

But for now, at least we can shop The Balm's skincare products. :) 

Shop them now at
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  1. I had no idea TheBalm had skincare.

    1. It really wasn't advertised much...I always see them posting their makeup on social media but never the skincare line. I'm dying to see how it is! :)


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