My Holy Grail Makeup Products

I've had so many requests for my favorite products over the years and I have finally published my list of Holy Grails! It's been a long time coming (I am such a procrastinator...just ask my husband, haha) but I've been slowly adding to the list a little bit every day as I get a few minutes here and there. I found doing it that way was much less intimidating than trying to tackle a list all at once. 

So far it's only makeup-related products but I'll be adding skincare and hair products in the future. You can find the list in my navigation bar at the top of my site or by clicking here.

Please keep in mind that these products are what works best for my dry skin type and may not work the same way for you since everyone is different. Enjoy! 


  1. I can't see your navigation bar from my phone. Can you add the link in this post? I'm excited to see the list!

    1. Sure no problem! I just added a link. :)

  2. I don't know about anyone else but I can't see the post :( its one long line of text next to the ads all the way down the page, mobile and desktop links both no matter hownI try... maybe its just me but wanted to mention it, because I wanna see it! :)

    1. Are you using your phone? It looks like that page isn't mobile optimized for some reason. If you turn your screen horizontally you'll at least be able to read it but it doesn't look pretty. I'll look into why its not working!


I love getting comments from you and hearing about your experiences with the products, whether you agree with me or not. It's the best way other readers can get the best information before they buy, so keep the comments coming! :)

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