Would You Pay This Much for Makeup?

Lately, some high-end makeup brands have released products that are super expensive! I will be the first to admit that I will gladly spend more on something if the quality is outstanding and I know I'll use it every day, but when it comes to makeup I'm not so sure.
For example, I tend to spend a lot on classic shoes and handbags because I keep them for years and they get lots of use, but makeup? I mean, I understand that a lot of these items are cute limited editions and the quality is probably excellent, but unlike shoes or handbags they're going to get used up or expire at some point. 
So I want to hear from you! Would you pay this much for makeup? Why or why not?


  1. Maybe I've been living under a rock but I had no idea there was even makeup this expensive! I think brands like Tarte and Urban Decay are expensive enough, so for me, this would definitely be a no-go. What are they made out of? Gold?

    1. Haha I agree! I usually think of the mid-range brands as "high end" for me, and I almost never look at the true high-end stuff like Chanel, Charlotte Tilbury, Dior, etc.

  2. I can get behind expensive perfumes if they're using rare ingredients that cost a fortune per ounce. I'm even okay with skincare being expensive if it contains ingredients that are difficult to source or cost a lot. In those cases, I get it. But when I see makeup that costs this much, I feel like it's just hype. Fancy packaging adds to the cost I'm sure but at the end of the day, it's just powder!

    1. That's a really good point! I think that's part of why I can't spend the money on expensive makeup. I definitely lust after beautiful packaging, but my practical side stops me. I feel like it has to "do" something. I'll gladly splurge on skincare if it makes my skin look better/younger etc., and I completely understand that fragrances that use natural extracts vs. synthetics cost more. But with makeup, I feel like the ingredients just can't be THAT expensive.

  3. Absolutely! I have bought super-expensive items and I continue to do so occasionally if I think it's worth the splurge. But I am pretty good at stacking coupons, finding discounts, using points to bring down the cost. -- Christina D.

    1. I have definitely done that too...I always try to minimize the costs any way I can and if I get a gift card for my birthday or a holiday, I tend to use those for my splurge purchases. :)

  4. I do fall victim to the pretty packaging and I admit I bought that Burberry heart compact after seeing it on Instagram. It hasn't even arrived yet and I already feel remorse. $68 is my monthly student loan payment! I will probably return it.

    1. Haha! I always relate things to my student loan payment as well. Mine is $400/month! I really want to buy a GHD flat iron, but I keep telling myself it is half of my monthly student loan payment!

  5. I did buy a Louboutin lipstick, but only because I've been obsessed with Louboutins my whole life and I love lipstick. Otherwise, I would never have spent that much on a lipstick. I got the signature red shade and I don't plan on buying any other shades. You're definitely paying for the name lots of times and not the actual product.

    1. I would have done the same thing! That's a great example of a time when it's totally worth it. When I'm really into something, I'm the same way...I have to buy everything they make (within reason, haha).

  6. No way. I think luxury makeup is more about the branding than the product itself. Most likely they are good quality, but there's also good quality at the midrange and drugstore. Even midrange high end stuff I have difficulty justifying sometimes (like $20 mascara that expires in 3 months when Covergirl does a great job). Lately I've been cutting down my makeup spending so that I can start TNR on a cat colony around here, and whenever temptation calls me to buy makeup I just think of the cute cats.

  7. Honestly, mostly no lol l the only thing I would splurge that semi ridiculously on is (I don't remember what the brand is haha) but that powder in the top right corner...it's Chinese astrology themed and I'm super into astrology in general so when I'm gets to the year of the Pig (my year!) I'll bite the bullet...but that's about it. I have to agree with another poster that I consider brands like Urban Decay and Too faced ect to be high end, but I guess that's just my perspective because I guess Dior and Chanel ect are actually "high end" but they're just not on my radar. Sorry for the novel :p I love your blog!

  8. I personally think these items are for people with more expendable income than sense.

  9. If a product is unique or innovative I don't mind or if it is particularly suited to my needs but more often it seems these luxury brands are like most luxury items - overpriced and unexceptional.

  10. Nooooo way! I'm all about splurging if something is good quality at Sephora or Ulta, but I would never spend over fifty or sixty dollars on a makeup item! Probably not over fifty, and even that is pushing it. A lot of times when things are that expensive, it's like you're just paying for the designer name, not the product itself.

  11. If the product is truly unique and hard to dupe with a similar drugstore item (hello Hourglass ambient lighting palette). There are many highlighters, drugstore and high end alike, that are just too frosty for oily or combination skin. Ambien lights are just perfect and can never be overdone even with a heavy hand. Ok I digress. I think that drugstore makeup has really stepped up their game, so there's really no need to splurge if you don't have to. I do buy my eyeshadows from midrange to high end brands because the quality of drugstore eyeshadows hasn't really improved over the years for some odd reason.

  12. I did pay 80$ for the Hourglass ambient light edit palette this Christmas but I would not pay that much for a single product. Maybe 60$ is my limit for the perfect contour/bronzer shade or a foundation with skincare benefits. Not more than 30$ for a lipstick or any eye makeup.
    I have a lot higher demands on expensive products and they have to live up to it. I don't buy products because of pretty packaging.
    Very often, I get disappointed by drugstore brands although I definitely prefer their prices compared to highend prices.
    I can spend more on skin care, quality clothes and comfortable, good-looking shoes. And jewellery, real jewellery is something I invest in. I hate buying things that immediately lose their value - makeup. But at the same time I want the products to stay on and not move or upset my sensitive skin.

  13. I am Chinese and I have to say the Armani highlighter with monkey pattern has been laughed by Chinese on our Twitter for months... The ugly packaging and ugly monkey as well as the powder quality is a joke to us beauty lovers. It's a terrible approach to Chinese culture. Don't get fooled by those designer brands...

  14. The only thing I'm okay with splurging on is foundation.

  15. I'll spend a lot on foundation and a good makeup base. Otherwise, it has to be something magical in terms of color, uniqueness and quality before I spend a lot on a product. There are so many fantastic budget and mid-market products out there.

  16. Nope; I can't afford it. Not to mention, in most cases, I don't really find the quality of luxury products to be worth the extra money. Most of them aren't any better, and very often worse. I do like Guerlain Meteorites and Pressed Meteorites, but I didn't pay out for the super-spendy compacts. I sure as heck would never pay $179, unless it came with unlimited refills.

  17. A couple of years ago I went to two different Chanel counters in two different stores to try and possibly buy their new super-lasting lipsticks. At both counters, the salesperson -- whose job it is to sell that stuff, right? -- told me that it was exactly the same formula as drugstore versions, that it was a rip-off of Revlon Colorstay and absolutely not to bother. While I will splurge on foundation and concealer, the rest is just packaging and the outrageous model fees for their ads. And since I continue to find it disgusting that models are paid more than teachers, I, for one, am not going to help subsidize that. Just saying.

  18. No, No and No. I watch Tati's videos on you tube about very high end products and she calls them WTF? She recently did a video where she showed tons of high end products that did not work for her. She did not even return them. I know its her "business", but gah, the money that was spent. I think of how many animals that money can feed and feel sick about it.

    1. Vloggers get this stuff given to them or receive huge gift cards from Sephora and other stores regularly (that's when they do their haul vids and show you the shopping bag in the thumbnail - encouraging you to go out to shop, also) just to 'buy' these items and review them on their channels. Then they very often return the products and get $$ back. I find Tati one of the worst at mis-representing cosmetics, their prices, and the use of them. Big boo to Tati from me. Not impressed.

  19. no way am I paying that much money for talc & pigment. Especially as drugstore stuff can be just as good now, for $5 or so. If other people are that insecure or like to go into debt, go ahead but I give these brands and products (as well as bloggers like Tati who make a big deal out of reviewing expensive products) a major eyeroll and will not be shopping from them in the future. Uh, folks, there is a big climate crisis fueled by human consumption ..... is it really worth it for you to collect this stuff?

  20. Nope, and a big ole nope. That's just ridiculous. IMHO. There's no reason for makeup to cost this much! I find that even some drugstore is getting a bit too expensive! For one, I can't afford that. For 2, I don't want to afford that. For 3, and I think this applies to any makeup lover, you can buy so much makeup and never use it all. Why spend so much money on producs that just end up gathering dust (though of course you'll shake dust off once in a while and use it again). I have so much makeup, high end and drugstore that is great, but I just don't use it all that often. It's a waste of money. At least it's a waste (:O how can I call it a waste! It's always money well spent right?! ;) ) of a few dollars, compared to hundreds of dollars! The only time expensive makeup really gets me is the packaging, I'm such a sucker for fun and pretty packaging. Dangit.

  21. I am a skincare junkie so I will spend money since your skin is the largest organ of your body. But makeup probably the most expensive is Bobbi Brown. The most I spent on a lipstick was Chanel and Estee Lauder and they both went rancid within a couple months so I learned my lession

  22. Skincare is the only thing I'd invest that kind of money into. And even then I'm not about to spend $100 plus dollars on a single serum, moisturizer etc. I do think my clarisonic was money well spent, bought it during the Sephora sale years ago.. and no I don't feel the need to upgrade every time they come out with a new color or model lol


I love getting comments from you and hearing about your experiences with the products, whether you agree with me or not. It's the best way other readers can get the best information before they buy, so keep the comments coming! :)

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