Profusion Make Me Blush Set- Blush Boutique Review & Swatches

The other day I wanted to go to Walgreens to see what was new because this time of year, the holiday sets start to hit the shelves. But lately, I have a hard time just going to Walgreens because the one in my town is right next door to a petting zoo that my 2 year old loves! He usually cries if we go into Walgreens first because he thinks I'm not taking him to see the I take him there first and then we can go to Walgreens. least the petting zoo is only open for a few more weeks and I'll be able go straight into Wags without making that pit stop.
So after we fed the goats, sheep and cows, we headed in (with my son singing "Old McDonald" at the top of his lungs) and right in front, an employee was starting to put out the holiday sets. A lot of them are the same ones I've seen in years past, but then one caught my's a set of 4 Profusion Blush Boutique blushes with a blush brush and it was only $5. Done and done.

It comes in a hinged box and inside, the blushes and the brush are all nicely sized. Since the set was only $5, I thought they might be tiny, but that's definitely not the case. When you break it down, each piece in this kit costs $1 which is just crazy!

I love the pyramid pattern that's been stamped into the gives them that extra special, higher-end look. Looking at the shades in the compacts, they all have a tiny bit of sheen to them, but three of them swatch matte while the fourth one (the lightest shade) has visible shimmer when swatched.
The brush is surprisingly good quality...soft and fluffy!

The formula of these is wonderful...they feel like velvet. They're super soft and buttery and feel like a cream. Pigmentation-wise, they rival any high-end brand...they're super intense and really blendable and easy to work with. I tried using this brush and was happy to see it pick up a ton of product (I had to tap some of it off) and while these do have a little bit of fallout, it's not bad at all. They don't have that dusty, powdery feel that some blushes have...they're just so creamy and beautiful.

Pink Ice is  a really pretty light peachy pink. It's the one shade that has visible shimmer when swatched, but I wouldn't even call it shimmery. It just gives it more of a pearlized effect.
Profusion Blush Boutique in Pink Ice
Coral Mousse is a matte peachy coral shade.
Profusion Blush Boutique in Coral Mousse
Rumba is a bright pink with a hint of coral.
Profusion Blush Boutique in Rumba
Vira is a gorgeous cool-toned hot pink.
Profusion Blush Boutique in Vira
These babies swatch like a dream as you can see here. The shades are just beautiful and I have a hard time believing I paid $1 for each one.

I can't wait to go back to Walgreens and see what else Profusion brings us this Holiday season. When I was there, they were just starting to stock the shelves so there may be a lot more to come! 
Next time you're near a Walgreens, I highly recommend grabbing this set, but hurry because I got the second-to-last one at my store. It looks like this one is going to be really popular. 


  1. Profusion can be hit or miss but this looks like a major hit. Running to Walgreens after work to see if I can find it.

  2. Sounds like a hidden gem! Gonna have to check it out.

    1. It definitely is! I'm really impressed by it. :)

  3. I've never seen or tried their blushes, but the swatches look fantastic. I love their eyeshadows. My local Walgreens never seem to have Profusion, though. I find them at the Dollar Tree sometimes, or else I have to order online.

    1. I've never tried their blushes either until now...just their shadows. My Walgreens stocks them on the shelves when you first walk in, right in the middle of the beauty department. I wish they had these online.

  4. Went to Wally's today to get these...didn't look at them closely when I bought them...when I got home I realized they were different than the ones you have..the colors are peachier..there mus be two sets...the colors had different names..going back to get the other one them!

    1. Hey Louie! Thanks for the heads up! When I was there they were just starting to put all the sets out so I only saw the one. I'll have to go back now and see what else they put out! :)

    2. I found BOTH sets today!!! The Walgreens by me had SO MUCH holiday stuff out, from Profusion, L.A. Colors, and another brand-Color Workshop-that on the back of the box, said was distributed by Markwins (they do Wet n Wild). I *might* have hauled just a bit... Oh, wearing one of the blushes tonight and I swatched a couple and they are, indeed, as soft and buttery as you said. Definitely go back to Walgreens and check it out.

  5. Ok now i definitely have to go back! They didnt have that much stuff there when I was there last week. :)

  6. They really are wonderful the price and the product. Walgreens has a a lot of holiday sets with great prices.
    I got the other color set and I love it I didn't see the ones your review is on.
    Go it get very good product

  7. For all those who've purchased, do the blushes have good lasting power on your face? (on bare skin)


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