Cover Girl Lash Blast 24hr Review

I am a huge fan of Lash Blast Fusion, and while I haven't tried the Length or Volume one, I've heard good things about them, so I was beyond excited to try out the new Lash Blast 24hr.

The tube is a similar shape to Lash Blast Fusion, but it's black and orange, and the brush is actually bigger.  It's a plastic brush like the others in the Blast family, which I know many of you are not a fan of.  Honestly, I'm not either, but this one is a bit gentler due to its larger diameter.

First, I want to start by saying that this mascara lives up to it's 24 hour claim.  I slept in this (not good, I know), but I didn't wake up with raccoon eyes.  No flaking, smearing or smudging, and I'm impressed!

 That said, I'm just so-so about the formula on this one.
The first thing I noticed about the formula was that it's very wet.  This means I'm going to get it all over my eyelids, because my technique is to get the brush right up to the base of my lashes and wiggle it as I go up.  I'm also a fan of using many coats one right after the other, to build length and volume.  I'm sad to say that doesn't work with this mascara.

Here's my before:

The first picture below is after the first two coats- it does a decent job of volumizing and lengthening.  But as you can see, my lashes are starting to get a little spidery.

Next, I wiped off the excess product  from the brush to see if I could create a little separation.  Unfortunately, there was still a bit of product on the end of the brush and it clumped the lashes together at the inner corner of my eye and I couldn't get it to separate after that.  It did, however, make my lashes very long and volumized.
Maybe I need to just try some different techniques, but my initial impression after 3 days is that this is not a super easy mascara to work with.  I really want to love it, but I also feel like I shouldn't have to jump through hoops to make it work.  I tried using a lighter hand, wiping off the brush first, etc, and it seemed to alleviate the clumping somewhat, but doing those things just didn't give me the volume or length I wanted, because I was using less product.

I'm sure some of you will disagree with me, and honestly, I think sometimes these things are a personal preference, depending on the look you're going for and the way you use it.  What are your thoughts?  Anyone tried this and want to share?

1 comment

  1. Agree with you 100%. I was also disappointed with the volumizing & lengthening results this mascara gave. It does last a long time, but when it starts to wear off finally, it flakes all over the place.


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